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http://www.100md.com 2017年5月28日 《医学信息》 2017年第21期
     摘要:目的 探讨出生体重对新生儿促甲状腺素(TSH)水平的影响以及与先天性甲状腺功能低下症(CH)发病率的关系。方法 利用荧光酶免疫方法对226390例新生儿进行足底血片TSH筛查,TSH≥9 mU/L者为筛查阳性,若复查TSH仍≥9 mU/L则召回测定TSH、FT3、FT4作出诊断。按照不同出生体重进行分组,分析不同出生体重新生儿TSH水平及CH的发病率。结果 不同出生体重的新生儿TSH初筛阳性率总体差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),CH发病率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 新生儿TSH水平、 CH的发病与新生儿的出生体重有关。低出生体重儿TSH初筛阳性率较低。低出生体重儿、巨大兒的发病率较高。为了防止低出生体重儿TSH较低所带来的筛查假阴性,在新生儿筛查阶段对低出生体重宜推迟采集测定足跟血TSH。注意孕期保健防止巨大儿、低出生体重儿,对降低先天性甲状腺功能异常的发生有重大意义。


, 百拇医药     中图分类号:R722.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1959(2017)21-0052-02

    Effects of Birth Weight on Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Levels and Incidence of Congenital Hypothyroidism in Neonates

    CHEN Jin-guo,ZHONG Yu-hang,CAI Xiao-juan,YE Li-xin,XIE Cai-lian

    (Dongguan City Maternal and Child Health Care Neonatal Disease Screening Center,Dongguan 523000,Guangdong,China)

    Abstract:Objective To investigate the birth weight of neonatal thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH)level and with congenital hypothyroidism(CH) incidence.Methods Using fluorescence enzyme immunoassay method for plantar blood TSH in 226390 cases of neonatal screening,TSH≥9 mU/L for screening positive,if TSH was still ≥9 mU/L recall is the determination of TSH,FT3,FT4.The diagnosis were grouped according to the different birth weight,TSH level and CH analysis of different birth weight of newborns.Results The incidence of different birth weight neonatal TSH screening positive rate difference was statistically significant(P<0.05),there were statistically significant differences in the incidence rate of CH(P<0.05). Conclusion Neonatal TSH levels,CH incidence and neonatal birth weight.Low birth weight TSH screening positive rate is low.Low birth weight children,the incidence of huge children higher.In order to prevent the low birth weight of children with low TSH caused by screening false negative,in the neonatal screening stage of low birth weight should be delayed acquisition of heel blood TSH.Attention to health care during pregnancy to prevent huge children,low birth weight children,to reduce the occurrence of congenital thyroid dysfunction is of great significance.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:Neonatal screening;Congenital hypothyroidism;Birth weight;Thyrotropin;Incidence


    1 资料与方法


    东莞市出生的有出生体重信息的活产新生儿共226390例。, http://www.100md.com(陈锦国 钟玉杭 蔡小娟 叶立新 谢彩连)
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