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http://www.100md.com 2018年4月30日 《医学信息》 2018年第17期
     摘 要:目的 分析回族与汉族、银川市区与海原农村地区的肠易激综合征与功能性消化不良症状重叠情况。方法 选取我院2016年1月~12月按照罗马Ⅲ的标准诊断肠易激综合征和功能性消化不良的患者175例,其中海原县农村地区患者76例,银川市区患者99例,统计并比较城乡、回汉族、男女IBS-FD重叠情况。结果 农村地区IBS-FD占总FD 8.51%,占IBS 12.12%,市区IBS-FD占总FD 37.04%,占总IBS 30.77%,农村地区IBS-FD重叠率低于市区(P<0.05)。女性IBS-FD在FD患者中重叠率为29.17%,高于男性患者的10.34%,在IBS患者中重叠率为32.81%,高于男性患者的8.82%(P<0.05)。回族与汉族IBS-FD重叠率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 农村与市区环境因素可能影响IBS-FD重叠率,且女性患者可能更易发生症状重叠。


    中图分类号:R57;R574 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2018.17.022
, 百拇医药

    Abstract:Objective To analyze the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and functional dyspepsia in Hui and Han,Yinchuan and Haiyuan rural areas.Methods From January to December 2016,our hospital diagnosed 175 patients with irritable bowel syndrome and functional dyspepsia according to the criteria of Rome III,including 76 patients in rural areas of Haiyuan County and 99 patients in Yinchuan urban area.Compare the overlap of IBS-FD between urban and rural areas,Hui Han people and men and women.Results In rural areas,IBS-FD accounted for 8.51% of total FD,accounting for 12.12% of IBS,urban IBS-FD accounted for 37.04% of total FD, accounting for 30.77% of total IBS,and the overlap rate of IBS-FD in rural areas was lower than that of urban areas(P<0.05).The overlap rate of female IBS-FD in FD patients was 29.17%,which was higher than 10.34% in male patients.The overlap rate in IBS patients was 32.81%,which was higher than that in male patients 8.82%(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in the overlap rate between the Hui and Han IBS-FD(P>0.05).Conclusion Rural and urban environmental factors may affect the IBS-FD overlap rate, and female patients may be more susceptible to symptom overlap.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:Irritable bowel syndrome;Functional dyspepsia;IBS-FD;Overlapping symptoms

    功能性胃腸病(functional gastrointestinal disorders,FGIDs)是一组表现为慢性、反复发作的,而无器质性病变或生化指标无异常的胃肠道综合征。各类功能性胃肠病相互重叠现象较为常见,主要有肠易激综合征(irritable bowel syndrome,IBS)与功能性消化不良(functional dyspepsia,FD)症状重叠。不同国家、地域、种族、社会经济文化背景上的差异可能导致功能性胃肠病的发病、性别、年龄以及重叠症状不同[1,2]。本文对回汉人群、银川市区与海原县农村地区的IBS与FD患者重叠情况进行分析,了解其在不同环境、性别及民族间是否存在差异。


    1.1一般资料 选取2016年1月~12月在宁夏人民医院宁南分院消化科、宁夏人民医院西夏分院及总院收治的IBS、FD及肠易激综合征重叠功能性消化不良(IBS-FD)患者共175例。宁夏人民医院宁南分院位于宁夏南部海原县新区地区,病例选取为周边村落IBS、FD及IBS-FD患者;宁夏人民医院总院及西夏分院位于宁夏北部银川市,病例选取市区内IBS、FD及IBS-FD患者。海原县农村地区共76例,其中回族61例,汉族15例;男29例,女47例,年龄16~83岁,平均年龄(52.28±15.69)岁。银川市区共99例,其中回族20例,汉族79例;男31例,女68例,年龄23~83岁,平均年龄(54.27±14.59)岁。, http://www.100md.com(陈仙梅 于晓兵 董琳 高瑞萍 曹贞子)
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