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http://www.100md.com 2019年1月8日 《医学信息》 2019年第1期


    中图分类号:TP311.1 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2019.01.004

, http://www.100md.com     文章编号:1006-1959(2019)01-0010-05

    Research and Development of Mobile Phone APP Software of "24 Solar Terms Traditional Culture and Its Seasonal Health" Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory

    ZHANG Yun-long1,DING Xing1,CAI Liang2,HUANG Chen-jie3,YANG Xu-ming4

    (1.Yueyang Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine,Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shanghai 200437,China;
, 百拇医药
    2.Shuguang Hospital,Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shanghai 200021,China;

    3.School of Computer Engineering and Science,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200072,China;

    4.College of Acupuncture and Tuina,Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shanghai 201203,China)

    Abstract:Twenty-four solar terms and traditional culture and its health are the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine. The "fourty-four solar terms" declared by China have been included in the UNESCO list of representative works of human intangible cultural heritage. In order to better and more conveniently guide people's health care in today's competitive society, through the summary and expansion of the mobile phone APP platform as a medium, with the solar terms as the index, users can measure their own physique according to the APP test system. You can receive health guidance push information with the change of the solar terms; or you can learn the relevant knowledge of the solar energy regimen on the APP software through the new media of the mobile phone in time when you need consultation and learning, so as to grasp your health and maintain your body and mind at any time and any place. To better improve your life so that you can live longer.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:Traditional Chinese medicine;Twenty-four solar terms;Health;APP software

    在如今繁忙的社會生活中,人们忙于工作、应酬等等,却忘记了“身体是革命的本钱”这句老话,只有有一个健康的身体,才能做好自己的本职工作,所以对“健康管理”这一概念的重视就显得尤为重要[1]。节气养生APP是针对智能手机用户开发的特色服务平台。随着手持终端和移动互联网的发展,APP以其便捷、迅速、可个性化定制推送等特点在信息服务和知识传播领域得到广泛应用[2]。中医健康管理的模式越来越受人们推崇,“治未病”等中医理论被人们所熟知。而中医移动健康管理平台以祖国医学理论为基础,以手机新媒体为平台,旨在推广相对简单、有效、易行且普适性强的中医健康管理新方法[3]。中医移动健康管理平台可用于亚健康用户的自我健康管理。用户可以随时随地在智能手机或平板电脑登录后查询自身的健康状态和相关健康资讯[4]。“二十四节气传统文化及其时节养生”手机APP是以节气为分度,用中医理论为指导而进行的开发。中国古代人民根据太阳的运行规律制定出了节气,而人们自身体内的生命活动正是与此规律相符合的。所以,在什么节气,应该吃什么食物,甚是关键[5]。二十四节气养生是根据不同节气阐释养生观点,通过养精神、调饮食、练形体等达到强身益寿的目的[6]。我们制作这款APP,能通过手机向用户介绍体质检查、食疗养生等方面的知识,即当人们想根据二十四节气进行养生时,能通过中医体质测试了解自身情况,从而通过推送学习相关知识,从而能够随时随地地把握好自己的健康,保持身心愉悦,更好地进行自己的生活。, 百拇医药(张云龙 丁兴 蔡靓 黄陈杰 杨旭明)
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