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酒精联合激素加速兔早期股骨头坏死的模型建立 及病理学研究(1)
http://www.100md.com 2020年2月26日 《医学信息》 20208
     摘要:目的 檢测长期较大剂量摄入酒精联合应用大剂量糖皮质激素能否加速早期股骨头坏死病程的进展,并探讨该方法的有效性。方法 取6月龄新西兰大白兔30只,体重2~3 kg,随机分为三组,空白对照组10只,实验1组(单纯使用糖皮质激素)10只,实验2组(联合使用糖皮质激素及酒精)10只。实验1组于双侧臀肌交替肌肉注射地塞米松磷酸钠注射液10 ml/kg,每3 d 1次,共10次;实验2组在实验1组基础上给予饮用酒灌胃8 ml/kg,每3 d 1次,共10次;空白对照组于双侧臀肌交替注射等量生理盐水,正常饮食、饮水,造模期间观察实验动物一般情况,30 d后观察股骨头病理学检查。结果 空白对照组动物未出现脱毛、食量减小及运动改变;实验1组出现轻微脱毛,无跛行,无食量改变;实验2组饮食、饮水明显减少,有脱毛及轻微跛行。三组股骨头进行冠状面剖开肉眼观察未见明显差别。病理学观察示,空白对照组骨小梁粗大,骨陷窝内骨细胞形态正常,脂肪细胞较少;实验1组骨小梁变薄,空骨陷窝增多,骨细胞核固缩;实验2组骨小梁变薄,核固缩的骨细胞及空骨陷窝明显增多。实验1组,实验2组,空白对照组空骨陷窝率分别为(8.85±0.99)%、(33.20±1.51)%、(51.30±1.87)%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 短期、大剂量给予地塞米松成功构建兔早期激素性股骨头坏死模型,同时在给予激素的过程中加用较大剂量酒精能够加速股骨头坏死的病程,可通过病理学检查对模型进行有效性评价。


    中图分类号:R681.8 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2020.08.022


    Abstract:Objective To investigate whether long-term large-dose alcohol intake combined with high-dose glucocorticoids can accelerate the progression of early femoral head necrosis and explore the effectiveness of this method.Methods 30 New Zealand white rabbits of 6 months old, weighing 2 to 3 kg, were randomly divided into three groups,there were 10 blank control groups, 10 in the experimental group 1 (using glucocorticoids alone), and 10 in the experimental group 2(using glucocorticoids and alcohol together). The experimental group 1 was alternately intramuscularly injected with 10 ml/kg of dexamethasone sodium phosphate injection into both gluteal muscles, once every 3 d for a total of 10 times; the experimental group 2 was given 8 ml/kg of drinking wine on the basis of the experimental group 1, Once every 3 d, a total of 10 times; the control group was alternately injected with bilateral saline muscles with the same amount of normal saline, normal diet and drinking water, and observed the general conditions of experimental animals during the modeling period, and observed the femoral head pathology after 30 d.Results The animals in the control group showed no hair loss, reduced food intake and exercise changes; the experimental group 1 had slight hair loss, no claudication, and no changes in food intake; the experimental group 2 had significantly reduced diet and drinking water, and had hair loss and slight lameness. The three groups of femoral heads showed no obvious difference by coronal plane dissection.Pathological observation showed that the bone trabecula in the control group was thick, the bone cell morphology was normal in the bone lacuna, and there were fewer fat cells; the bone trabecula in the experimental group 1 was thinner, the empty bone lacuna increased, and the bone cell nucleus was contracted,in the experimental group 2, the trabecular bones became thinner, and the bone cells and empty bone lacunae increased significantly. The rates of empty bone lacunae in the experimental group 1 and experimental group 2 were (8.85±0.99)%, (33.20±1.51)%, and (51.30±1.87)%, respectively,the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion Short-term and high-dose administration of dexamethasone successfully constructed a rabbit model of early hormonal femoral head necrosis. At the same time, the addition of larger doses of alcohol during the administration of hormones can accelerate the course of femoral head necrosis. Pathological examination can be effective for the model Sexual evaluation., http://www.100md.com(张震 魏屹东 汪伟基 叶斯波 卢鸿超 徐慧 郭树章)
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