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http://www.100md.com 2015年12月1日 《饮食与健康·下旬刊》 2015年第12期
     【摘要】目的 探究全髋关节置换术患者围手术期干预及康复护理的效果。方法 选取我院2013年4月~2015年4月收治的66例全髋关节置换术患者作为研究对象,将患者分为研究组与对照组,对照组患者予以常规护理,研究组予以围手术期细致护理及康复训练,采取Harris评分对髋关节功能进行评定及Barthel评分评估患者术后生活质量、并发症情况及患者对护理的满意程度。结果 研究组患者术后Harris评分及Barthel评分显著优于对照组,总并发症率明显低于对照组,患者对护理的总满意率明显高于对照组,p均<0.05,差异具有统计学意义。结论 全髋关节置换术患者围手术期进行细致化护理干预及康复训练可显著提升护理水平,帮助患者髋关节功能恢复,改善患者生活质量,降低并发症发生率,患者满意度高,具有较高临床应用及推广价值。


    Total hip replacement patients perioperative nursing intervention and rehabilitation

    【Abstract】Purpose To explore the perioperative interventions in patients with total hip replacement and the effect of rehabilitation nursing.Methods Selection in April 2013 to April 2015, 66 cases of patients with total hip replacement as the research object, the patients were divided into research group and control group, control group patients give routine nursing, the team to be meticulous perioperative nursing and rehabilitation training, Harris score of hip joint function were assessed and postoperative quality of life, complications in patients with Barthel score evaluation of nursing and patients satisfaction.Results Team in patients with postoperative Harris score and Barthel score significantly better than control group, the total complication rate is significantly lower than the control group, the total satisfaction of patients to nursing was obviously higher than that of control group, p < 0.05, the difference is statistically significant.Conclusion Total hip replacement patients perioperative careful nursing intervention and rehabilitation training can significantly enhance the level of care and help patients with hip joint function recovery, improve patient quality of life, reduce the incidence of complications and patient satisfaction is high, has a high clinical application and popularization value.

    【Key words】Total hip replacement. Perioperative; Rehabilitation nursing; Harris score; Barthel score






    对照组患者实施常规护理干预,由护理人员密切关注患者,若发现异常立即报告医生处理。研究组患者实施围手术期及康复护理,具体干预如下:①术前护理干预:术前护理人员多与患者进行沟通,开导患者,使得患者保持愉悦心理。术前做好常规实验室检查,术前8h禁食、禁饮,并准备好手术器械及抢救设备。②术中护理干预:手术中护理人员亲切与患者交流,消除患者紧张、害怕情绪,并于术中观察患者面色、表情等情况,若有异常立刻告知主刀医师处理。③术后干预。术后送患者回到病房,保证病房干净整洁、无菌、温度与湿度适宜,叮嘱患者术后注意事项,并何当给予患者健康教育,使患者对自己的病情有一定认识。④康复训练。术后1~2d帮助患者坐起,然后从坐起转移到座椅练习;术后第2d借助拐杖进行步态练习;术后第3d进行腓肠肌、股四头肌、臀大肌训练及髋关节屈伸训练,观察患者全身情况及局部情况;术后1周继续之前训练,此外进行站立位髋关节前屈、后伸及外展练习;术后2周患者可借助手杖训练上下楼梯;术后3~6周根据患者具体情况可考虑增加负重并逐渐去除拐杖进行步态训练[3]。, 百拇医药(伍玉碧)
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