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http://www.100md.com 2014年1月29日 《中国社区医师》 20144

    摘 要 对1例成人still误诊情况进行分析总结,希望通过本文能提高全科医生对AOSD的深入认识,对不明原因发热患者的鉴别诊断有更广的思考空间。

    关键词 still 成人 误诊 病例分析

    Misdiagnosis analysis of adult still

    Yin Liangjun,Liu Mingyong

    Fourth People's Hospital of Changning,Hunan Province(Quanfeng Street Community Health Center),421500

    Abstract One case of adults still misdiagnosed cases were analyzed and summarized,I hope this paper can improve GPs AOSD in-depth understanding of the differential diagnosis of patients with unexplained fever greater space to think,there are as follows.

    Key words Still sick;Adult;Misdiagnosis;Case analysis


    患者,男,35岁,因发热1天,2013年8月10日入院 ......

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