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http://www.100md.com 2020年1月15日 《中国民族民间医药·上半月》 20202
     【摘 要】 孙志教授认为肺癌的发生与肺脾肾三脏相关,病理性质属本虚标实,是一种全身属虚,局部属实的疾病。提出扶正祛邪、分期论治,辨证与辨病相结合,整体观念、顾护胃气,中西医结合,针药结合、形神兼治等治疗理念。在肺癌的治疗上多获良效。

    【关键词】 肺癌;针药结合;孙志;医案;名医经验

    【中图分类号】R473.73 【文献标志码】 A 【文章编号】1007-8517(2020)3-0083-04

    Abstract:Sun Zhi,a professor of Nanjing University of traditional Chinese medicine,has been engaged in the clinical work of traditional Chinese medicine for nearly 40 years and has accumulated rich experience in the treatment of lung cancer. Professor Sun Zhi thinks that the occurrence of lung cancer is related to the three organs of lung ......
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