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http://www.100md.com 2011年7月1日 华伟,米新陵,李凡,严霞




    [中图分类号]R758.14 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2011)07-1127-02

    Clinical efficacy of collagen posted dressing in treatment of facial dermatitis

    HUA Wei, MI Xin-ling,LI Fan, YAN Xia

    (Department ofDermatology, The Central Hospital of Karamayi, Karamayi 834000,Xinjiang, China)

    Abstract: Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the posted collagen dressing in the treatment of facial dermatitis. Methods 160 patients with facial dermatitis were divided into two groups. All patients applied cyproheptadine Take three doses a day and Ebastine once a day.The treatment group 89 cases were treated with helium neon laser once a day. In addition treated with Collagen posted dressing once a day.The control group 71 cases were treated with helium neon laser once a day. The follow-up was 2 weeks from the end of the treatment. The clinical response to therapy and adverse effects were recorded.Results The effective rate was 88.76% in the treatment group. The effective rate was 66.20% in the control group.The comparison in two groups showed significant differences(χ2=12.01,P<0.05).Conclusion Collagen posted dressing in treatment of facial dermatitis is effective, safe and suggest new therapeutic opportunities for treating this disease

    Key words: Collagen; facial dermatitis;efficacy

    面部皮炎是皮肤科常见的变态反应性疾病,因其病因难以确定,复发常见。治疗方法多样,效果不一。2010年9月~2011年3月,笔者科室采用抗组胺药物联合胶原贴敷料(商品名:创福康,广州创尔生物技术有限公司生产)外敷治疗面部皮炎患者,取得了较好的疗效, 现报道如下。


    1.1 诊断标准[1]:①面部皮炎:为发生于面部的皮炎,排除其他疾病如痤疮、酒渣鼻、单纯疱疹、系统性红斑狼疮和单纯光敏感引起的面部受累者;②接触性皮炎:按照教科书,接触性皮炎通过病史和临床表现诊断,包括变应性接触性皮炎和刺激性接触性皮炎;③季节性面部皮炎:面部皮炎病程超过2年,为季节性发作,排除化妆品变应性接触性皮炎;④原因不明的面部皮炎:为不能归于接触性皮炎和季节性面部皮炎的其他面部皮炎。

    1.2 排除标准[2]:①就诊前1周内外用或口服皮质激素类药物者;②患有其他或影响观察面部皮肤病者,如银屑病、严重痤疮等;③对外用胶原蛋白类制品有过敏史者和对异种蛋白外用敏感者;④不能按要求完成治疗方案者;⑤患有严重的心、肝、肾或严重的系统性疾病者。

    1.3 一般资料: 160例患者均为我科2010年9月~2011年3月诊治病例。治疗组89例,其中男6例,女83例,年龄17~62岁,平均36.3岁,病程5天~2年;对照组71例,其中男4例,女67例,年龄18~59岁,平均37.1岁,病程3天~2年。两组在性别、年龄、病程及严重程度上均具有可比性。

    1.4 治疗方法:两组患者均给予口服依巴斯汀片 ......
