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http://www.100md.com 2012年5月1日 宋慧锋,王祎蓉,陈保国,高全文,张培培,郝永红,柴家科




    [中图分类号]R622 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2012)05-0737-03

    Four steps method blepharoplasty for the old's lower eyelid pouches

    SONG Huifeng,WANG Yirong,CHEN Baoguo,GAO Quan-wen,ZHANG Pei-pei,HAO Yong-hong,CHAI Jia-ke

    (Department of Burns & Plastic Surgery,The First Affiliated Hospital of PLA General Hospital,Beijing 100048,China)

    Abstract: Objective To explore the method that is suitable for the old's lower eyelid pouch plasty. Methods In accordance with the characteristics of the old's low eyelid pouch, Blepharoplastic operations, including orbital septal fat resection or reposition, orbital septal strengthening, lateral tarsal ligament suspension and redundant skin resection, were performed for 42 cases (84 eyes), with 4males and 38 females, average 62 years old. Stitches were released on postoperative day 7 in all patients. Results Satisfactory results that lower eyelid deformity and skin slack were improved were obtained in all 42 patients. After 3 months to 2.5 years follow-up, lower orbit area was amended youthfully, and the shape of lower eyelid and its margin were natural. The patients were satisfied with ectropion-free and unconspicuous scar. Conlusions The method that includes four steps is fit for old blepharoplastic on the basis of the old eyelid pouch deformity.

    Key words:old man eyelid pouch; blepharoplasty; orbital septal strengthening; lateral tarsal ligament suspension


    1 临床资料


    2 手术方法(示意图1)

    2.1 手术切口设计及切开分离:患者平卧,于下睑缘下1~2mm设计平行于下睑缘的手术切口,内侧达内眦角附近,外侧向外眦角外侧延伸3~8mm。术区采用2%利多卡因浸润麻醉,慎用肾上腺素,依次切开皮肤、眼轮匝肌,于眶隔筋膜表面充分分离,暴露眶隔筋膜及其下方的眶隔脂肪。

    2.2 眶隔脂肪及眶隔筋膜的处理:打开眶隔,暴露眶隔脂肪,将眶隔脂肪充分释放,向泪沟处平铺,多余脂肪可以去除,收紧眶隔并5-0丝线缝合加固。

    2.3 外眦韧带悬吊加固:在外眦角处寻找外眦韧带,将其用1-0丝线悬吊固定于眶外侧壁骨膜上,收紧松弛的眼轮匝肌。

    2.4 松弛皮肤去除:嘱患者用力张嘴,同时眼睛向上看,向上牵拉下睑皮肤,确保切口无张力状态下去除多余皮肤。彻底止血后,切口7-0尼龙线间断缝合。

    2.5 术后处理:切口外用红霉素眼膏,适当冰敷,加压包扎24h,术后5天拆线,勿需用抗生素,必要时可口服草木犀流浸液片 ......
