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http://www.100md.com 2018年3月1日 《中国美容医学》 2018年第5期


    [中图分类号]R622 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)05-0049-03
, http://www.100md.com
    The Application of Grafting Autologous Granular Skin Mixed with Oral Mucosa and Placed on a Collagen Sponge in Reconstruction Surgery Treating Vaginal Stenosis

    YANG Yu,QIU Xiong-wen,DING Li,ZHENG Qing-jian,ZHUANG Jing

    (Department of Plastic Surgery, Fujian Province Hospital,Fuzhou 350001,Fujian,China)

    Abstract: Objective This essay is aimed to explore the application effect of grafting autologous granular skin which is mixed with oral mucosa and placed on a collagen sponge in reconstruction surgery treating vaginal stenosis. Methods By using conventional method, a cavity linking to cervix was formed between urethra and rectum. Mixed suspension of granular tissues, which was made of oral mucosa acquired from buccal division along with autologous granular skin obtained from the junction of labia minora and labia majora, was placed on collagen sponge by using self-made soft mold. Then the soft mold was putted into the reconstructed vaginal cavity, clinging to the medial wall and being fixed by filling iodoform gauzes into the cavity. Six days thereafter, the soft mold was taken away from the vaginal cavity and replaced by a hard mold which will remain in the cavity for six to twelve months with daily vaginal douching after surgery. Results 8 cases of vaginal stenosis were followed up for six months to three years after surgery. The results of pathological review prove that satisfied effects have been achieved. The reconstructed vaginas have healed quickly and are not easy to be torn. The daily life and work of the patients will not be affected by the operation. Conclusion The free graft of autologous granular skin which is mixed with oral mucosa and placed on a collagen sponge is a novel method in reconstruction surgery treating vaginal stenosis. It leads to better results with less wound, and is worth of extension.

    Key words: vaginal stenosis; granular skin; oral mucosa; collagen sponge

    在臨床工作中,时常遇到因阴道狭窄,无法进行正常夫妻生活的患者,为了正常的婚姻生活,她们往往迫切希望进行阴道再造。如果这些患者的子宫、卵巢等发育正常,是可以进行正常的孕育过程而享受天伦之乐的,如何采用最小的代价重建与生理状态相似的阴道,并尽力保护患者隐私,是整形外科医师关注的一个富有挑战性的课题。, 百拇医药(杨宇 仇雄文 丁力 郑清健 庄兢)
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    参见:首页 > 医疗版 > 疾病专题 > 心血管科 > 病态窦房结综合征 > 三尖瓣狭窄