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http://www.100md.com 2018年3月15日 《中国美容医学》 2018年第6期

, http://www.100md.com
    [中图分类号]R758.71 [文献标志码]B [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)06-0081-04

    Abstract: Objective To observe the features of alopecia areata(AA) with dermoscopy and study its significance for clinical diagnosis. Methods A handheld dermoscope was used to observe the balding scalp of 85 patients with ,aAA,40 patients with androgenetic alopecia (AGA),as well as normal scalp of 45 human controls without hair loss.climical information was also collected from these subjects.Then the data were analyzed. Results The most common dermoscopic features was yellow dots,followed by broken hairs, short vellus hairs , black dots, exclamation mark hairs, telangiectasia, coiled hair/spiral hair, hair tapering.The incidence rate of yellow dots, black dots, broken hairs, hair ring/spiral hairs, short vellus hairs, exclamation mark hairs, telangiectasia, coiled hair/spiral hair, hair tapering were significantly higher,in AA patients than controls. The incidence rate of hair diameter diversity>20%, brown peripilar sign,scalp pigmentation and telangiectasia was lower in patients with AA than in patients with androgenetic alopecia.The prevalence of short vellus hairs was negatively correlated with the area of AA.While yellow dots,black dots,white dots and hair tapering was positively correlated with the area of hair loss. Conclusion The yellow dots, broken hair, black dots, short vellus hair are more sensitive for AA, exclamation mark hairs is highly sensitive for the confirmation of diagnosis of AA. The differences between the dermoscopic features and the different types of AA were small. Short vellus hair can be used to determine the recovery of the disease. The yellow dots,black dots and hair tapering may be used as an indicator of the progress of the patients with AA.
, 百拇医药
    Key words: alopecia areata; dermoscopy; dermoscopic features


    1 资料和方法

    1.1 一般资料:收集2016年11月-2017年10月来笔者医院皮肤科就诊的85例斑秃患者,男40例,女45例,年龄6~66岁,平均31岁;其中单灶型斑秃27例,多灶型斑秃50例,网状型斑秃8例。斑秃的诊断主要依靠临床表现,即表现为突然发生的在毛发覆盖部位出现一个或多个圆形或椭圆形脱发斑,其发病率为0.7%~3.8%[1]。目前认为主要发病原因为自身免疫因素导致[2]。根据美国斑秃指南推荐使用的Olsen/Canfield脱发面积评估方法[3]将85例患者按照脱发面积分为三个等级,即S1(<25%)28例,S2(25%~49%)51例,S3(50%~74%)6例。另外笔者还收集了就诊于笔者科室的雄激素性秃发患者40例及健康对照者45例作为对照组,雄激素性秃发患者年龄20~57岁,平均31.6岁,非脱发者年龄20~38岁,平均29.5岁。, http://www.100md.com(柳佳 李丽 郭书萍)
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