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http://www.100md.com 2018年4月1日 《中国美容医学》 2018年第7期


    [中图分类号]R47 [文献标志码]B [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)07-0135-03

    Abstract: Objective To explore the application effect of the management method of transportation neckline to improve the laser treatment satisfaction of scar patients. Methods 100 patients with scars treated in our department from January 2016 to December 2016 were selected as the control group. 100 patients from January 2017 to December 2017 were the observation group. The control group was treated with conduction and standard nursing. In the observation group, the subject was the activity of "improving the satisfaction of laser treatment of scar patients". Through the investigation and analysis of the status quo of patients' satisfaction, the nursing countermeasures were formulated and implemented. The patients' satisfaction with treatment were compared between the two groups. Results The satisfaction rate of the observation group was 95.0%, which was higher than that of the control group(86.0%), the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion The activities of the product pipe circle can significantly improve the satisfaction of laser treatment for patients with scar, improve the work efficiency of the medical staff, enhance the team spirit of the nursing staff and the cohesion of the department.
, 百拇医药
    Key words: quality control circle; scar; laser therapy; degree of satisfaction

    品管圈(Quality control circle,QCC)是由同一个工作场所的人为了解决工作问题,突破工作绩效,自发地组成一个小团体,应用品管的简易统计方法进行分析、解决工作场所发生的问题,达到业绩改善的目标[1]。整形激光美容科患者的治疗方式主要以激光和手术治疗为主。近年来随着笔者科室激光治疗瘢痕修复技术在国内、国际的影响力,行瘢痕修复患者日益增多,而激光治疗瘢痕一般需要4~6次或者更多次治疗才能达到比较满意的效果,如何做好瘢痕患者激光治疗前、治疗中、治疗后的护理,有效缓解患者紧张情绪、减轻疼痛、提高治疗满意度,是医护人员广泛关注的问题。笔者科室自2017年1月开始将品管圈活动应用于提高瘢痕患者激光治疗满意度中,取得了较满意的效果,现报道如下[2]。

    1 资料和方法
, 百拇医药
    1.1 一般资料:选取2016年1月-2016年12月在笔者科室行激光治疗瘢痕的患者100例为对照组,其中男45例,女55例。2017年1月-2017年12月就诊的患者100例为观察组,其中男49例,女51例。两组患者年龄均为18~35岁,病程6~24个月,激光治疗部位为面部和颈部大面积瘢痕(>100cm2)[3]。

    1.2 方法

    1.2.1 对照组:采用常规护理干预。①治疗前,护士清洁治疗区域皮肤后,在皮肤表面涂敷1㎜厚的复方利多卡因乳膏1~2h,用保鲜膜封包;②治疗中,指导患者尽量放松,配合医生完成治疗;③治疗完成后,护士在治疗区域即刻外涂湿润烧伤膏,并交代注意事项[4]。

    1.2.2 观察组 成立品管圈小组:2017年1月成立品管圈小组,其中圈长1名,辅导员1名,圈员5名,组织圈会讨论。患者对疼痛的耐受程度不一样,部分患者对疼痛非常敏感和恐懼,特别是大面积、全身性多处瘢痕患者,因为情绪过度紧张,疼痛感强,治疗过程中需要多次暂停休息、甚至无法坚持配合医生完成治疗,严重影响治疗进程的顺利开展,患者治疗满意度较低。故本次确立品管圈主题为“提高瘢痕患者激光治疗满意度”[5-6]。, http://www.100md.com(喻亿玲 刘小加 王晶)
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