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http://www.100md.com 2018年5月1日 《中国美容医学》 2018年第9期

, 百拇医药
    [中图分类号]R758.4+2 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)09-0021-04

    Clinical Efficacy of Alpha-hydroxy Acid for Treatment of 30 Cases of Melasma

    JIA Fei, WU Feng-qin, ZHANG Qian, LI Chun-ying, JIAN Zhe

    (Department of Dermatology,Xijing Hospital,the Fourth Military Medical University,Xi’an 710032,Shaanxi,China)

    Abstract: Objective To explore the clinical effect and safety of alpha-hydroxy acid in the treatment of melasma, and clarify the efficacy, related biological indicators and patient satisfaction were evaluated. Methods Self-control analysis was performed in this study.30 patients with melasma treated with alpha-hydroxy acid were included. More specifically, they received an exfoliation treatment with alpha-hydroxy acid (20% to 70%) once every two weeks for a total of four times. Skin melanin and red pigment were detected by non-invasive skin tester before and after treatment (15d, 30d, 45d, and 60d), the MASI score after surgery was evaluated, and the patients’subjective feelings were also collected. Results The level of the melanin and red pigment in the skin lesions of melasma patients were decreased with the increase of time and frequency, and the difference was statistically significant before treatment (P<0.05). Assessment of the therapeutic efficacy at the end of treatment: basic cure (n=10), significantly improved (n=15), slightly improved (n=2), insignificant or aggravated (n=3), about 90% efficiency. Patients were more satisfied with their treatment. The skin gloss, color even and lesions of melasma patients had improved. The effect was getting better with the extension of treatment time. Conclusion Alpha-hydroxy acid was a safe and effective treatment for melasma. It did this through the reduction of melanin and red pigment levels and the improvement of skin lesions.
, 百拇医药
    Key words: melasma; alpha-hydroxy acid; chemexfoliation; efficacy; external application drugs

    黃褐斑是一种常见的色素增加性皮肤病,临床表现为面部黄褐色或深褐色斑片,对称分布,多见于Ⅲ~Ⅳ型皮肤类型人群,好发于颧颊部,也可累及眶周、前额、上唇及鼻部,在东南亚人群中发病率约占40%[1-2]。其发病及诱因与遗传易感、种族因素、日晒、激素、血管因素及其他系统疾病的伴发等相关[3]。黄褐斑临床治疗策略为抑制黑素细胞活性,减少黑素合成及转运,促进黑素降解破坏[4-5]。果酸(羟基乙酸)是一种弱酸,可通过加速表皮细胞的更新与脱落,促进黑素的代谢及降解破坏,治疗黄褐斑的临床疗效已有报道[6],但尚缺乏治疗过程中客观指标的描述及肯定。本研究通过检测治疗过程中患者皮损处黑素、血红素等客观指标,联合主观评估明确果酸治疗黄褐斑的疗效及患者的满意度,现报道如下。, 百拇医药(贾菲 吴风琴 张倩 李春英 坚哲)
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    参见:首页 > 医疗版 > 疾病专题 > 皮肤科 > 色素障碍性皮肤病(色素沉着) > 黄褐斑(肝斑)