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http://www.100md.com 2018年6月1日 《中国美容医学》 2018年第11期

, 百拇医药
    [中图分类号]R783.4 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)11-0082-04

    Abstract: Objective To investigate the effect of different gingival biotypes on the aesthetic restoration of anterior all-ceramic crowns. Methods From January 2015 to August 2017,180 patients with anterior teeth were divided into thick gingival type group and thin gingival type group. Effect of zirconia all-ceramic crowns on aesthetic restoration of upper anterior all-ceramic crowns. Results The gingival index of thick gingival type was increased in one or two years after restoration. there was no significant difference between the index of thick gingival type and that of pre-repair group after 1 year. There was no statistical significance (P>0.05), but there was a significant difference in gingival index between the thick gingiva group and the former group after 1 year (P<0.05). The gingival retraction index of the thin gingiva group after 2 years was significantly different from that of the pre-repair group (P<0.05), while that of the thick gingival group was significantly different for 2 years. There was no significant difference between the retraction of the gingival edge and that before repair (P>0.05), and the degree of satisfaction with the color of the gingival margin was significantly imProved. Conclusion Different gingival biotyPes have great influence on the aesthetic restoration effect of the anterior all ceramic crowns, so it is necessary to analyze the different types of gingival organisms in order to formulate a good aesthetic restoration effect and improve the patients' satisfaction better.
, 百拇医药
    Key words: gingival biotype;anterior teeth;all-ceramic crowns aesthetics;restorative effects;influencing factor

    牙龈生物型又称牙周生物型或牙龈表型。常见的分为厚龈型和薄龈型,不同的组织学特征构成了不同的牙龈形态,也就会有不同的生物学行为。随着人们生活水平的日益提高,对于美学产生了较高的要求,口腔的成功治疗不仅停留在伤口愈合功能,还在于美学修复的能力,因此牙龈生物型是作为是否影响美学修复的主要因素之一。牙龈生物型是牙周软组织中不可缺少的重要概念,是作为在口腔治疗预后过程中的一个关键考虑因素。随着牙龈生物型的研究深入,在美学牙龈中,影响美学修复效果以及患者满意度最直接的因素就是牙龈边缘的稳定性[1],又由于在牙龈生物型和全瓷冠美学效果的相关研究较少[2-3]。 因此,本文旨在研究分析前牙采用氧化锆全瓷冠修复后,薄牙龈型和厚牙龈型的相关变化,针对厚牙龈型及薄牙龈型这两种不同的牙龈类型对上前牙美学修复效果之间的影响,对比两组患者对龈边缘颜色满意度及牙龈指数,行进一步研究探讨,现将结果报道如下。, 百拇医药(沈涛 徐建平 周道生)
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