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http://www.100md.com 2018年6月15日 《中国美容医学》 2018年第12期


    [中图分类号]R783.5 [文献标志码]B [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)12-0016-02

    Investigation on Dental Malocclusion of Mongolian Adolescents Population in Hainan Prefecture of Qinghai Province
, http://www.100md.com
    TIAN Guang-qing1,MA Chen-Lin1,ZHANG Xiao-ling2

    (1.Department of Stomatology,Qinghai Provincial People's Hospital,Xining 810007,Qinghai,China;2.Department of Stomatology, People's Hospital in Hainan Prefecture of Qinghai Province,Hainan Prefecture 813000,Qinghai,China)

    Abstract: Objective To investigate the incidence of dental malocclusion and the constituent ratio of malocclusion types in Mongolian population in Hainan Prefecture of Qinghai province. Methods Using the individual normal occlusion as the criteria, the dental malocclusion types were classified with Angle’s classification. Results The incidence of dental malocclusion in Mongolian population in Hainan prefecture of Qinghai was 97.01%.The incidence was 96.42% in males and 97.60% in females. There was no significant difference between males and females (P>0.05). The incidence of Angle Class I, II and III malocclusion was 54.47%,15.07% and 26.87% respectively. Conclusion Mongolian population in Hainan prefecture of Qinghai has higher incidence of dental malocclusion, in which Angle Class Ⅲ is significantly higher than that of the whole country.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:Mongolian population;Angle's classification;dental malocclusion;concave profile;incidence;investigation


    1 对象和方法

    1.1 调查对象:纳入的研究对象双亲均为蒙古族并在海南州长期生活,且本人在海南州出生并生活的12~19岁中学生536名,其中男322名,女214名。排除标准:有缺牙或残根者、正在正畸治疗或正畸治疗过者,以及有颌面部外伤史和手术史者。
, http://www.100md.com
    1.2 方法与标准:在自然光下,由两名多年临床经验的正畸专业医师进行,两名医师间通过一致性测评[1],以保证结果的准确性。用口腔常规检查器械(平面口镜、牙用弯镊、探针)进行牙列、咬牙合关系、龋齿等检查,统计相应的人数和百分比,按傅民魁等制定的《第二次全国错牙合畸形流行病学调查表》为调查标准[2],错牙合以Angle错牙合分类为标准,以个别正常牙合为正常标准,检查结果登记入册。

    1.3 统计学方法:使用SPSS 13.0软件进行统计,用百分比进行分析。

    2 结果

    2.1 错牙合畸形的患病率:共调查536名蒙古族青少年,错牙合畸形的患病率为97.01%(见表1)。其中男性检出率为 96.42%,女性检出率为97.60%,经统计学处理,男女错牙合患病率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    2.2 错牙合畸形各型构成比:见表2,错牙合畸形分类,牙齿错牙牙合畸形以 Angle I类检出率最高(54.47%),Ⅱ类为15.07%,Ⅲ类为26.87%。, 百拇医药(田广庆 马晨麟 张晓玲)
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