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http://www.100md.com 2018年6月15日 《中国美容医学》 2018年第12期
     [摘要]目的:探讨自体颗粒脂肪联合自体富血小板血浆(Platelet-rich plasma,PRP)及纳米脂肪(Nanofat)治疗面部凹陷的方法及其临床疗效。方法:将颗粒脂肪与PRP及Nanofat按照7:2:1比例混合,多层次多隧道多平面均匀注射于面部凹陷部位,6个月后观察注射部位,与术前进行对比。结果:本组治疗的11例患者,仅经1次注射后,面部凹陷部位较术前饱满,圆润,皮肤弹性好,且无感染,硬结,血肿等并发症。结论:颗粒脂肪联合PRP及Nanofat治疗面部凹陷脂肪成活率高,感染风险小,效果持久稳定,无需二次注射,值得临床推广。


    [中图分类号]R622 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)12-0031-03

    A Preliminary Study on the Effect of Granule Fat Combined with PRP and Nanofat to Reshape the Facial Contour
, 百拇医药
    ZHU Xu-ran,LIU Lin-bo,LI Guang-shuai,ZHAO Hong-yan,SHI Ke,ZHANG Hui

    (Department of Plastic Surgery,the First Affiliated Hospital,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450052,Henan,China)

    Abstract: Objective To explore the method and clinical effect of autologous granule fat combined with autologous rich platelet plasma (PRP) and Nanofat in the treatment of facial depression. Methods The granule fat was mixed together with PRP and Nanofat in the proportion 7:2:1, then was evenly injected into the facial depressions in a multi-level, multi-tunnel and multi-planar manner. After 6 months of observation of the injection site, comparism with its preoperative state was made. Results The 11 patients of this group after only one injection, got the preoprative facial dents become fuller, mellower, and had better skin elasticity than before surgery without complications of infection, induration or hematoma. Conclusion Combined with PRP and Nanofat, granule fat has a high survival rate, low risk of infection, fewer injections and lasting stability, and are worthy of clinical promotion.
, 百拇医药
    Key words: fat transplantation; granule fat; platelet-rich plasma(PRP); Nanofat; facial depression

    因先天性或年龄增长导致的面部局部凹陷及皮肤老化极大影响面部美观,面部脂肪量降低、深层软组织松弛,皮下脂肪减少可导致面部干燥,细纹,粗糙[1]。笔者医院采用自体颗粒脂肪联合自体富血小板血浆(Platelet-rich plasma,PRP)及纳米脂肪(Nanofat)治疗面部凹陷,效果良好,现报道如下。

    1 临床资料


    2 手术方法
, http://www.100md.com
    2.1 术前设计:患者取站立位,水平目视前方,将面部受区用画线笔标记,并预估需要填充的脂肪量,首选大腿内侧及外侧为抽脂区域,并以画线笔标记。

    2.2 自体颗粒脂肪制备:于大腿内侧行肿胀麻醉(肿胀液配比:0.9%氯化钠注射液500ml+2%利多卡因20ml+肾上腺素0.5mg),用20ml螺旋注射器连接内径2.5G双孔吸脂针,手工进行扇形拉锯式均匀抽吸,反复加入生理盐水后静置沉淀并用长针挑除纤维条索及灰白色脂肪粒,离心后排去下层水分,保留纯化的脂肪颗粒备用[2]。笔者分别采用静置法及离心法(500r/min)提取脂肪,脂肪存活率无明显差别,但离心可去除多余水分,故笔者提倡低速离心提取颗粒脂肪。

    2.3 自体富血小板血浆(PRP)制备:采用瑞士瑞珍PRP制备套装Ⅲ型(Type Ⅲ RegenACR?-C Classic), 将PRP负压采血管(内含抗凝剂和分离胶)与固定器连接,采集8ml静脉血,放入瑞珍LC-04C专用离心机中,设定参数:转速3 100rpm,离心时间15min。血液的各个成分被分开,红细胞在分离胶的下方,PRP在分离胶的上方,约4~5ml,用5ml注射器抽取PRP备用[3]。, 百拇医药(朱旭冉 刘林嶓 李广帅 赵红雁 史可 张会)
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