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http://www.100md.com 2010年2月1日 《中国美容医学·综合版》 2010年第2期


    【中图分类号】R814.42 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1008-6455(2010)08-0377-02

, http://www.100md.com     Abdominal trauma emergency CT and postoperative analysis

    Yang Yubing1 Xu Bolin1 Li Jili2 Dong Yongguang2

    【Abstract】Objecave:To investigate the applicable value of acute CT in abdominal trauma. Methods: collected on 56 patients with abdominal trauma emergency CT examination of the image data confirmed by surgery in our hospital from 2008.1 to 2010.6.in order toinvestigate the applicable value of acute CT in abdominal trauma. Methods: collected on 56 patients with abdominal trauma emergency CT examination of the image data confirmed by surgery in our hospital from 2008.1 to 2010.6.in order to retrospective analysis and judge.Results: Abdominal trauma emergency CT scans showed the Clear outline of theliver spleen and kidney were mixed withhigh-density image,Subcapsular hematoma, Retroperitoneal hematoma and or Hemoperitoneumm,Pneumoperitoneum. In the group of 56 patients with abdominal trauma patients, With liver injury in 6 cases, 32 cases of spleen, kidney in 6 cases, 5 cases of mesenteric and bowel injury, compound 8 cases of substantial organ damage. 47 cases with abdominal hemorrhage, 18 cases with rib fractures, 25 patients with lung contusion, 4 cases with lumbar transverse process fractures, 2 cases of vertebral compression. Conclusion: CT examination in the diagnosis of acute abdominal trauma has great diagnostic value, can be detected quickly and accurately the site of organ injury, damage assessment. Effective treatment for clinical development, providing an important basis.
, http://www.100md.com
    【Key words】blunt abdominal trauma; tomography;X-ray computed


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料:本组56例患者中,男46例,女10例,年龄16岁~69岁,车祸45例,占80.3%,暴力殴打6例,占10.7%,坠落伤5例,占9%。所有患者均在受伤后30min~24h内进行平扫检查。56例中单一脏器损伤为48例,受伤脏器依次为脾脏32例,肾脏6例,肝脏6例。多脏器损伤为8例,为二个或二个以上脏器复合伤。56例病例中全部经手术证实。
, http://www.100md.com
    1.2 方法:采用GESpright16层全身CT扫描仪,层厚5mm~75mm,层距5mm~7.5mm,窗位40Hu~60Hu,窗宽180Hu~350Hu,所有患者均作CT平扫。

    2 结果

    2.1 CT表现

    2.1.1 肝挫裂伤,本组6例,表现为条状或斑片状低密度影,密度欠均匀,夹杂等密度和稍高密度影,挫裂肝边缘境界模糊。肝周边可见线条状稍高密度影。

    2.1.2 肝内血肿1例,表现为肝内团块状高密度影。

    2.1.3 肝包膜下血肿,本组6例,均和肝挫伤并存,表现为肝周边梭形或线条稍高密度影。

    2.1.4 脾挫裂伤本组32例,其中8例为复合伤。表现为脾周线条状高密度影,局部脾实质的密度不均匀,轮廓模糊,增大。脾实质内可见一些散在的稍高密度的斑片状影。

    2.1.5 脾包膜下血肿本组32例均和脾挫裂伤并存,为脾边缘线带状或新月形稍高密度影。

    2.1.6 肾挫裂伤 本组6例,表现和脾挫裂伤相似。其中2 例为肾蒂断裂,表现为肾脏移位,旋转,肾门向前,腹膜后血肿。

    2.1.7 胰腺损伤本组1例,为胰尾部横断,表现为胰尾明显增粗,密度增高,周围有高密度血肿。

    2.1.8 消化道破裂 本组5例,小肠破裂2例,乙状结肠系膜损伤2,复合伤1 例,大网膜囊撕裂1例。2例表现为腹腔内的游离气体,常位于上腹腔间隙内,同时见少量积液。肠壁间血肿3例。, 百拇医药
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