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http://www.100md.com 2011年2月1日 杨琳





    Intravenous catheter and general comparison of intravenous infusion observed in the pediatric

    Yang Lin

    【Abstract】Objective:To compare pediatric intravenous catheter infusion and intravenous infusion of anti-ordinary liquid leakage, puncture the number of catheter loss and the number of total cases of phlebitis and other indexes. Methods:to our department in May 2010 carried out 10 months of intravenous catheter intravenous infusion of 100 cases randomly selected 52 cases, and concurrent infusion of common scalp acupuncture in 118 patients randomly selected 58 patients with anti-liquid leakage, the number of puncture , catheter loss, and the total number of cases of phlebitis occurred comparative study of other indicators. Results:intravenous catheter infusion compared with ordinary intravenous infusion, in the anti-liquid leakage, puncture the number of catheter loss and phlebitis and so there are significant differences. Conclusion:Intravenous Catheter Intravenous infusion better than ordinary liquid leakage prevention, reduction of vascular puncture, anti-catheter off, easy to use, reducing children’s pain, it is popularized.

    【Key words】intravenous catheter; regular infusion; observation and analysis


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料:将我科2010年5-10月开展的静脉留置针静脉输液中随机抽取静脉留置针输液患儿52例,年龄6-12岁不等,平均年龄5.5岁,其中男性29例,女性23例,入院天数从1 -56天不等,平均住院天数12.1天;普通静脉输液58例,年龄6 -12岁不等,平均年龄6.2岁,入院天数从1-48天不等,平均住院天数10.9天。

    1.2 资料分析:留置针输液组患儿包括了肺炎29例,腹泻8例,败血症3例,上呼吸道感染8例,新生儿窒息1例,脑炎3例,其中18例采用了头皮表浅静脉输液,25例采用了手背或桡部静脉输液,7例采用了足背和足踝裸露静脉输液,2例采用了颈外静脉输液。普通静脉输液组包括了肺部感染26例,腹泻9例,败血症4例,上呼吸道感染5例,哮喘3例,血小板减少性紫癜1例,新生儿窒息2例,脑炎7例,新生儿病理性黄疸1例。其中29例采用手背或前臂表浅静脉输液,21例采用了头皮浅静脉,8例采用了足背或足踝裸露静脉输液 ......
