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http://www.100md.com 2011年3月1日 《中国美容医学·综合版》 2011年第3期
     (南京军区总院 江苏 南京 210002)


    【关键词】手术室; 护理安全隐患; 管理

    Analysis and Management of the Hidden Dangers in the Nursing Safety in Operating Room

    Huang jingbo Shen danping Qiu deye

    【Abstract】Objective :Analyze some composition element and the management strategy of the nursing factor of dangerous in operating room.Methods :To seek the factor of dangerous and solve it.Result :Safety containment measure which was to aim directly at could degrade incidence of the nursing error,at the same time it could enhance the consciousness of safe qualitative in nursing staff. Conclusion :It could make a good supervising system on nursing security control which to manage the nursing factor of dangerous in operating room ......
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