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http://www.100md.com 2011年6月1日 赵妹芝 赵永才 马琳然 崔红香


     【摘要】目的:探讨Foleys尿管超小水囊(35ml~40ml)联合小量缩宫素用于足月妊娠促宫颈成熟引产的效果。方法:选择2010年 1月~2010年12月保定市二院南院妇产科孕妇90例作为研究对象。研究组50例采用Foleys尿管超小水囊联合小量缩宫素引产,对照组40例采用单纯静点缩宫素引产。结果:研究组促宫颈成熟治疗24小时后宫颈Bishop评分提高分、临产发动时间、第一产程时间、总产程时间、治疗至分娩时间两者差别有统计学意义(t11.75,P<0.05;t4.655,P<0.05;t2.247,P<0.05;t 3.981,P<0.05;t 5.432,P<0.05;);研究组引产效果判定X219.109,P<0.05,两组差别有统计学意义;研究组阴道分娩 45 例,对照组阴道分娩 26例,统计学检验,X28.340,P<0.05两组差别有统计学意义。结论:Foleys尿管超小水囊联合小量缩宫素用于足月引产能有效促宫颈成熟,明显缩短临产时间及产程,提高引产成功率。


    【中图分类号】R719.3 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1008-6455(2011)12-0031-02

    Clinical study on microminiature water balloon with Foleys catheter combined low dose oxytocin in planned labour induction

    Zhao Meizhi Zhao Yongcai Ma Linran Cui Hongxiang 【Abstract】Objective:To observe the efficiency of microminiature water balloon with Foleys catheter combined low dose oxytocin in planned labour induction. Methods:90 primiparas Jan 2010 to Dec 2010 were chosen. They are divided into two groups: the study group with 50 ones was given microminiature water balloon with Foleys catheter combined low dose oxytocin, the control group with 40 ones was given oxytocin by intravenous drip. Results:The observation index including the raised Bishop score, Parturient launch time, the time of the first stage in labor, Total labor time, the time from beginning of treatment to successful parturition (t11.75,P<0.05;t4.655,P<0.05;t2.247,P<0.05;t3.981,P<0.05;t 5.432,P<0.05).The comparison of the effect in induced labor between the groups X219.109,P<0.05,There are significant differences between the two groups;Research Group of 45 cases of vaginal delivery, the control group of 26 cases of vaginal delivery. Statistical tests.X28.340,P<0.05 statistically significant differences between the two groups.Conclusions Microminiature water balloon with Foleys Catheter combined oxytocin can promote cervical ripening and shorten birth time and total labor time obviously.

    【Key words】term pfegnancy;induce labor;Microminiature water balloon; cervical ripening


    1 材料和方法

    1.1 研究对象:选择2010年 1月~2010年12月我院妇产科孕足月有经阴道分娩条件并要求阴道分娩的初产孕妇90例作为研究对象。 研究对象分为两组:研究组50例与对照组40例。孕妇治疗、用药前均已获得知情同意 ......
