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http://www.100md.com 2012年9月1日 生活与健康·理论版 2012年第9期
     [摘 要] 目的:总结甲状腺癌的诊治经验。方法:分析我院2001~2010年间手术治疗并经常规病理切片证实的126例甲状腺癌的临床资料:男32例,女94例,平均年龄43岁(年龄范围:13~85岁)。结果:甲状腺乳头状癌,滤泡癌,髓样癌,未分化癌发病率分别为71%(90例),14%(18例),11%(14例,5%(4例)。无手术死亡,术后声音嘶哑4例,因气管压迫行气管切开2例,伴桥本氏病4例,经病理证实再次手术10例。结论:对甲状腺肿物患者应综合病史、查体、B超、CT、ECT、细针穿刺细胞学检查等,适当放宽手术适应症,有条件的医院常规行术中冰冻检查,对不能做冰冻检查或冰冻阴性却高度怀疑恶性病者,建议行患侧腺叶加峡部切除,避免二次手术增加患者痛苦及手术并发症的发生。建议对发现颈淋巴结肿大或双侧恶性变者均行根治术加颈清扫术,未发现颈淋巴结肿大者,行患叶甲状腺及峡部全切加对侧大部分切除术加气管前清扫术。对已行甲状腺局部切除术者,应尽快行补救的根治术加或不加颈清扫术。甲状腺癌以PTC常见,且预后较好,MTC及未分化癌手术应以全甲状腺切除术加颈淋巴结清扫术。早期诊断,早期治疗,适当的手术方法,是提高疗效的关键。

    [关键词] 甲状腺癌;分化良好型;分化不良型;诊断;治疗

    [Abstract] Objective :To summarize the experiences of treating thyroid carcinoma. Methods: Analysis the 126 thyroid carcinomas diagnosised by the pathological section from 2001 to 2010 in our hospital. Male 32 cases, female 94 cases, mean age 43 years old (from 13 to 85 ) .Results: Thyroid papillary carcinoma 90 cases (71%), follicle carcinoma 18 cases (14%), medullary carcinoma 14 cases (11%),and undifferentiated carcinoma 4 cases(5%). All survival and Complications: 4 hoarse voices, 2 trachea compressions, 4 combind Hashimoto thyroiditis, and 10 reoperations. Conclusions :Treating patients who have thyroid goitre, we should consider their histories, physical examinations, inspects by instrument (such as supersonic, CT, ECT, and cytological examination), and we should expand their operation indication. We should do conventional freezing pathology examination during the opration in conditional hospital; If not, we should cut the sick side and the isthmus for the highly sceptical bad—goitres. For the deradenoncus cases of thyroid carcinoma, we should do the radical neck dissection, besides cut sick side thyroid or two; for the others, cut the sick gland and isthmus and scavenge the lymph nodes which are in front of the trachea. Early diagnosis, early treatment and proper operation is the juncture in treating thyroid carcinoma.

    [Key Words] Thyroid carcinoma Well differentiation Bad differentiation Diagnosis;Treatment

    甲状腺癌占人体恶性肿瘤的1%,近年来统计有逐步上升的趋势。本文总结了我院自2001年1月至2010年2月一共收治甲状腺癌126例,经手术治疗及常规病理切片证实,其中乳头状甲状腺癌(papillar thyroid cancer,PTC)和滤泡型甲状腺癌(follicular thyroid cancer,FTC)统称为分化良好型甲状腺癌(well2differentiated thyroid cancer,DTC),占全部甲状腺癌的85%,其生物学行为相对不活跃,长期生存多见,但对这类中度危机病例的手术切除范围尚未取得统一的意见[1]。

    1 临床资料

    1.1一般资料 本组男32例,女94例,年龄范围(13~85岁)。病史3天至13年,其中1年内24例,1~2年60例,3年以上42例。

    1.2甲状腺肿物情况 所有病例均以颈前肿物就诊。肿物无短期内迅速增大,其中颈部肿物伴颈淋巴结肿大14例;核素扫描“冷结节”72例,“凉结节”50例,“温结节”2例,未见异常2例。

    1.3诊断情况 首次术前、术中诊断为甲状腺癌40例,甲状腺腺瘤22例,其余为颈前肿物。首次术后病理诊断PTC90例,FTC18例,甲状腺髓样癌(MTC)14例,未分化癌4例。, http://www.100md.com(马勇)
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