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http://www.100md.com 2008年5月1日 《中华中医药学刊》 2008年第5期
     摘 要:通过对林珮琴治疗温热病医案的分析,结合林氏在《类证治裁》中有关温热病的论述,将其治疗经验归纳为辛凉宣肺、透热泄湿、清营凉心、养阴救液、重视舌诊等5个方面。认为这些独特的治疗经验,有其鲜明的学术特点,至今仍能有效指导临床实践。




    Summarize LIN Peiqin's Experiences on the Warm Heart Disease


    ZHANG Zhesheng

    (Suiping Country People's Hospital,Suiping 463100,Henan,China)

    Abstract:This paper aims to summarize Lin Peiqin's therapy experiences on the Warm Heat Disease. Guided by Lin's theory on such disease in the book Classified Treatment, the author analyzes some typical related cases and further generalizes about his treatment of Warm Heat Disease in details. Five characteristics will be illustreated in this paper which are: (1) ventilating and smoothing the lungs; (2) releasing heat and wet; (3) reducing internal heat; (4) nourishing body fluids; (5) emphasizing the observation of the tongue. These experiences present both acdemical and practical meaning to the clinical treatment.

    Keywords:warm heat diseause;LIN Peiqin;Classified Treatment

    林珮琴(1772-1839) ......
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