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http://www.100md.com 2013年7月1日 《好家长·青春期教育》 20137
     【Source】 History of the Southern Dynasties-Annals of Qi,compiled and edited by Li Yanshou (birth and death years

    unknown) during the Tang Dynasty (618-907).


    【Interpretation】 Originally used to describe a woman’s light and beautiful?gait; later often used to imply things getting



    Since the Dong Jin Dynasty (317-420), the capital city of Jiankang (now Nanjing) had been significant development. However,the great wealth accumulated by the hard work of the general public was mainly in the hands of the nobility. The nobility extravagantly built a lot of luxurious palaces and mansions by using the wealth.


    Xiao Baojuan, an emperor of Southern Qi,had an extremely luxurious palace built for himself. The walls were painted with aromatic musk and gold was used to decorate the beams and columns in the palace. When his gold was used up,the emperor sent people to grab gold from the market,leading to a huge surge of gold price at the time.


    The emperor’s most beloved concubine was YuEr Pan. One day,a whimsical idea came to the emperor’s mind. He commanded his goldsmiths to carve gold into lotus flowers, which were then laid on the floor of the palace. He asked Concubine Pan to walk?on the golden lotus flowers and used the idiom “Lotus Flower Blooming With Every Footstep” to describe the scene.


    Concubine Pan was slim and graceful, and she looked stunningly beautiful when walking on the golden lotus flowers. Since then, people started to use the idiom “Lotus Flower Blooming With Every Footstep” to indicate a woman’s graceful gait.

    潘妃体态柔美,步履轻盈,走在这黄金路上煞是好看,引人惊叹。后来,人们就用“步步莲花”来形容女子的步态优美。, http://www.100md.com