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http://www.100md.com 2015年8月1日 《中国性科学》 2015年第8期
     【摘要】目的:对艾滋病疑病症患者进行心理研究,并考察以森田疗法为主的心理综合疗法对患者的疗效。方法:采用90项症状自评量表(SCL-90)和汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)对60例艾滋病疑病症患者进行心理研究,并采用“森田疗法”为主的心理综合疗法对患者进行治疗,分别于治疗前、后检测患者血中5 -羟色胺(5-HT)和去甲肾上腺素(NE)的水平作为疗效的评价指标。结果:60例艾滋病疑病症患者按SCL-90评分结果分为:混合型44例,强迫症型8例,疑病症型4例,恐惧症型4例;治愈率300%,显效率517%,总有效率817%;经治疗后SCL-90和HAMD评分比治疗前显著下降,5-HT和NE水平治疗后比治疗前显著上升(P<005)。结论:艾滋病疑病症患者的心理障碍可分混合型、强迫症型、疑病症型和恐惧症型,以混合型出现率最高;采用“森田疗法”为主的心理综合疗法治疗艾滋病疑病症,疗效明显。

    【关键词】艾滋病疑病症; 森田疗法; 5 -羟色胺; 去甲肾上腺素

    Psychological research in suspected AIDS patients and application of comprehensive psychological therapyDU Derong1, YANG Xian2, ZHANG Xue1, HUANG Shaokuan1, LIU Ruqing2. 1. Department of Dermatology, DongshengHospital of Guangzhou City, Guangzhou 510120, China; 2. Department of Dermatology, Guangzhou Red Cross Hospital of Guangzhou City, Guangzhou 510220, China; 3. School of Public Health, SUN YAT-SEN University, Guangzhou 510080, China

    【Abstract】Objectives: To study the psychological status of suspected AIDS patients, and investigate the efficacy of comprehensive psychological therapy like Sentian Treatment on patients. Methods: Using the symptom checklist 90 (SCL-90) and Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD) to assess the psychological status of 60 suspected AIDS patients, and Sentian Treatment was used for treatment. The 5-HT and norepinephrine (NE) level in peripheral blood of patients were detected before and after treatment respectively as evaluation indexes of its curative effect. Results: According to SCL-90 scores, the 60 suspected AIDS patients were divided into 4 groups: 44 cases of mixed type, 8 cases of obsessive compulsive disorder, 4 patients with hypochondriasis type, 4 cases of phobic disorder; the cure rate, effective rate and total efficiency was 30%, 51.7% and 81.7% respectively. After treatment, the SCL-90 and HAMD scores significantly decreased and 5-HT and NE levels increased significantly (P<005). Conclusion: The psychological disorder of suspected AIDS patients includes mixed type, obsessive compulsive disorder, hypochondria disorder and phobic disorder. Comprehensive psychological therapy like Sentian Treatment is of good curative effect in the treatment of suspected AIDS patients.

    【Key words】Suspected AIDS patients; Sentian treatment; 5-HT; Norepinephrine (NE)


    艾滋病疑病症是一种神经症,俗称艾滋病恐惧症,是随着艾滋病的流行而产生的一种继发性疑病症[1]。患者大多有过高度危险的婚前或婚外性行为,他们了解到一些与艾滋病相关的知识,但又对艾滋病一知半解,因而夸大艾滋病的传染性,或把疑似艾滋病的症状看作艾滋病的特异性症状,将自己的感觉一一对号入座,从而使自己陷入深深的恐惧之中。随着性传播疾病的流行,艾滋病疑病症发生率明显升高 [2,3]。为了弄清楚该病患者的心理状态和分型,帮助解决治疗上的困难,我们拟采用两种人格量表[4]-90项症状自评量表(SCL-90)和汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)对艾滋病疑病症患者进行全面的心理评估分析,同时采用“森田疗法”[5]为主的心理综合疗法治疗艾滋病疑病症患者,以探讨此治疗方法对艾滋病疑病症的疗效。, http://www.100md.com(杜德荣 杨娴 张雪 黄绍宽 刘汝青)
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