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http://www.100md.com 2008年8月1日 《新医学导刊》 2008年第8期


    文献标识码: A

    文章编号: 1672-3783(2008)-9-0030-02

    【摘 要】目的 了解过敏性鼻炎的过敏原。方法 通过对260例过敏性鼻炎过敏原筛选及脱敏治疗。结果 本方法对病因认识、减敏治疗中变应种类的选择和预防以及流行病学调查均有指导意义,是一种花钱少、效果佳、适合基层治疗的好方法。

    【关键词】过敏性鼻炎 过敏原筛选 脱敏疗法

    Allergic Coryza Allergen Selection and Desensitization Therapy

    LIU Fen

    The Second People's Hospital of Liangshan,

    Liangshan 615000, Sichuan China

    【Abstract】Objective Understand the allergen of allergic coryza.Method Allergen selection and desensitization therapy to 260 cases of allergic coryza.Result The method is of important to recognize etiological factor and desensitization therapy selection ,precaution and epidemiologic survey .It is a good method of few cost、good effect and suit to base treatment.

    【Keywords】Allergic coryza;Allergen selection; Desensitization therapy

    过敏性鼻炎是临床上常见的一种过敏性疾病 ......

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