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http://www.100md.com 2009年8月1日 兰明翠



    文献标识码: A

    文章编号: 1672-3783(2009)-08-0007-03

    【摘 要】目的 了解凉山州城市与农村彝族居民乙肝感染现状,并比较城市与农村的差别。方法 在凉山州局部范围内,对自然人群采用分层随机整群抽样的方法,于2007年7月至8月在西昌市区及农村三个乡镇开展横断面调查,对抽样人群直接进行HBsAg及肝功能检查和问卷调查,取完整资料,年龄20~74岁的彝族列入本次调查分析。结果 HBsAg携带阳性率:城市调查625人,阳性56人,阳性率8.95%。农村调查620人,阳性人数89人,阳性率14.35%。结论 凉山彝族HBsAg阳性率高于我国现有调查数据,与中老年人群比较,青壮年人群感染率明显增高。农村各年龄组居民HBsAg携带阳性率明显高于城市(P<0.01),差异有统计学意义。


    An Investigation into Yi People’s Hepatitis B Infection

    in the Urban-rural Areas of Liangshan


    The First People’s Hospital ofLiangshan Yi Autononous Prefecture,Xichang 615000,Sichuan Province,China

    【Abstract】Objectives To understand the status quo of Yi people’shepatitis B infection in the urban-rural areas of Liangshan, and to compare the different infection between urdan and rural areas.Methods From July to August in 2007, according to the decentralized choice of site,cluster random sampling principle,at a local scaie in Liangshan Prefecture,We selected a random sampling in the residents, aged 20-74 years, in three rural towns and the city of Xichang, and had liver function and HBsAg tests as well as questionnaires directly in the participants, then made an analysis of Popular Disease Study.Results the positive rate ofHBsAg :56 persons are positive among the 625 urban residents with a positive rate of 8.85%. 89 people are positive in the 620 rural persons with a positive rate of 14.35%.Conclusion The positive rate ofHBsAgin Liangshan is higher than our existing survey data, and it is significantly higher in rural areas than in city,(P<0.01).Therefore, this invrstigation has got statistical significance.

    【Key words】Cityrural;Areas Yi peoplehepatitis B;Infection rate


    1 对象与方法

    1.1 一般资料

    1.1.1 研究对象 来自西昌市区及农村三个乡镇彝族人群,对自然人群采用分层随机抽样,城市、农村彝族各分5个年龄组(20~:30~;40~;50~;60~74),每个年龄组抽取的人口比例按当地人口的实际构成比分配作为调查对象,计划城市、农村各600名。被调查人群全部为彝族(经身份证及户口薄核实)。取实际完成有HBsAg及肝功能等基本资料共1246人例入本次调查分析。

    1.1.2 城市、农村彝族人群受教育、职业、收入情况 受教育情况:城市人群中学以上文化约占80%。农村人群未入学约占60%。职业:城市人群干部、工人约占60%,农村人群约占95%从事农业劳动 ......
