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http://www.100md.com 2011年5月1日 《健康必读·下旬刊》 20115
     【中图分类号】 R473 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-3783(2011)05-0204-02

    【摘要】 目的:探讨皮肤护理小组在压疮临床护理中的作用。方法:成立皮肤护理小组,确立管理目标,小组成员积极参加培训,以点代面,宣传压疮预防和临床管理,制定压疮评估表,建立管理流程。结果:护理小组成立1年来,共治疗院内外压疮 10 例,治愈6例,好转4 例逐步实现了院内压疮零发生。结论:皮肤管理小组的建立对临床压疮护理具有积极的督促作用,能为临床护士提供新的理论和方法,有效降低压疮的发生。

    【关键词】 压疮 皮肤小组 护理管理

    【Abstract】objective: To explore the effective of skin nursing group in stamp clinic nurse .methods :established skin nursing group, established manage objection, members of group energetic taken part in training. From spot to extent,. Promoted method of pretend to stamp and clinic management,formulated stamp evaluation sheet, established manage flowsheet. Results : after one year, treated stamp 10 patients, cured6 patients, improved4patients, implementedgradually nun-stamp rate in hospital. Conclusion:skin nursing group had positive effect ion in clinic stamp nursing, provided new theory and method to nurse. , and decreased validly the happen of stamp.

    【Key words】 pressureulcer;skin; skinnursing group in stamp ;nursing management

    压疮是长期卧床患者的常见并发症 ......

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