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http://www.100md.com 2011年6月1日 蒋旭坚


     【中图分类号】R6 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1672-3783(2011)06-0377-01

    【摘要】目的:了解兰州供电公司退休员工人群的口腔卫生状况,为兰州供电公司合理制定口腔卫生保健规划,做好退休员工的口腔疾病防治工作提供科学依据。方法:按照《第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查方案》中的方法,对兰州供电公司退休员工中55岁(n=286)至65岁的人员进行普查,了解缺牙情况、卫生状况、后续治疗需求等内容。其中男性136名,女性150名。结果:该退休员工人群人员平均年龄59.6岁, 38.46%部分牙齿缺失,其中男性53名(35.33%)缺牙,女性44名(41.33%)缺牙,二者没有统计学差异(p = 0.18);缺牙人员中20.87%带有活动义齿,其中1/4需要重新进行治疗和修复。所有人员中,286名受检者恒牙龋均5.81,患龋率60.49%,龋齿充填率38.46%,牙龈出血罹患率68.4%,牙结石62.4%,牙周病炎发生率为56.29%。结论:兰州供电公司退休员工口腔健康情况不容乐观,需要投入更多的综合防治措施,加强口腔健康教育、定期检查和治疗。


    An oral cavity health survey of retired employees in Lanzhou Power Supply Company

    【Abstract】Objective:To investigate the oral cavity health status of retired employees in Lanzhou Power Supply Company . Methods: According to The Guideline for the 3rd National Oral Health Survey,286 of retired employees in Lanzhou Power Supply Company were randomly selected, male 136; female 150. Results: Average age was 59.6 years, 38.46%(n=115) retired employees’ denture was incompleteness, male was 35.33%, female 41.33%, in all 115 retired employees, 20.87% (n=24)had removable denture, and 6 retired employees need replace their removable denture ......
