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http://www.100md.com 2019年1月1日 《健康必读(上旬刊)》 20191
     【摘 要】目的:研讨慢性前列腺炎患者接受综合护理干预措施对其生存质量的影响。方法:本组课题以我院收治于2016年1月-2018年10月的100例慢性前列腺炎患者作为观察对象,经随机抽签模式划分组别,常规管理组(n=50)接受常规标准护理,综合护理干预组(n=50)在标准护理下接受综合护理干预措施,评估两组的生存质量与慢性前列腺炎症状改善情况。结果:综合护理干预组经调查统计,显示生存质量达到93.52±5.71分,对比常规管理组的生存质量85.12±5.22分显著提升,有统计学意义(P<0.05)。综合护理干预组在排尿困难、排尿疼痛等各项评分上较常规管理组显著降低,有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:对慢性前列腺炎患者实施综合护理干预措施,能够使患者的生存质量得到进一步加强,并促进患者慢性前列腺炎症状的改善,值得推荐。


    【中图分类号】R47 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-3783(2019)01-0029-01

    This group of subjects was treated with 100 patients with chronic prostatitis admitted to our hospital from January to May 2018 in 2016. The patients were randomly divided into groups. The routine management group (n=50) received routine standard care. The nursing intervention group (n=50) underwent comprehensive nursing interventions under standard care to assess the quality of life and improvement of chronic prostatitis symptoms in both groups. The implementation of comprehensive nursing interventions for patients with chronic prostatitis can further enhance the quality of life of patients and promote the improvement of chronic prostatitis symptoms in patients ......

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