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http://www.100md.com 2007年5月1日 李慧芬 张学兰


     摘要:目的考察炒制温度和时间对栀子中栀子苷、绿原酸和鞣质含量的影响。方法以CY640A型炒药机,在投药量一致的条件下,在多种温度下分别炒制栀子,制备不同受热条件的栀子供试品。用HPLC法分别测定各供试品栀子苷和绿原酸的含量,用皮粉法测定各供试品鞣质的含量。结果在180~240 ℃之间,随着炒制温度升高,时间延长,栀子苷、绿原酸含量呈逐渐降低的趋势,鞣质含量呈先升后降的趋势,220 ℃炒制21 min的供试品鞣质含量最高。结论炒制温度和时间对栀子中栀子苷、绿原酸和鞣质含量有明显的影响;此方法为探讨栀子的炮制机理提供了实验依据。



    Impact of Stir-frying Temperature and Time on Contents of Jasminoidin, Chlorogenic Acid and Tannin in Fructus Gardeniae

    LI Hui-fen, ZHANG Xue-lan

    (Shandong University of TCM, Jinan 250014, China)

    Abstract:Objective To investigate the impact of stir-frying temperature and time on the contents of jasminoidin, chlorogenic acid and tannin in Fructus Gardeniae. Methods With the CY640A herbal medicine roaster as processing system equipment and the same administration dose, different samples from Fructus Gardeniae were made at different heating time and temperatures. HPLC method was adopted to measure the contents of jasminoidin and chlorogenic acid. Hide powder method was adopted to measure the content of tannin in each sample. Results Between 180 ℃ and 240 ℃, the contents of jasminoidin and chlorogenic acid reduced with the rising of stir-frying temperature and the prolonging of time, and the tannin increased gradually and then decreased. The sample which was processed 21 mins at 220 ℃ had the maximal content of tannin. Conclusion Stir-frying temperature and time has obvious influence on the contents of jasminoidin, chlorogenic acid and tannin in Fructus Gardeniae. The method provides an experimental evidence for the research on processing mechanism of Fructus Gardeniae.

    Key words:fructus gardeniae; jasminoidin; chlorogenic acid; tannin; stir-frying

    栀子为茜草科植物栀子(Gardenia jasminoides Ellis)的干燥成熟果实,具有泻火除烦,清热利尿,凉血解毒之功效。炮制栀子的方法有多种,目前以捣碎生用、炒黄、炒焦应用者居多,中国药典2005年版收有栀子、炒栀子和焦栀子。栀子主含栀子苷、异栀子苷、绿原酸、西红花苷、西红花酸、鞣质、挥发油等。研究表明,栀子苷具有抗炎、镇痛、利胆的作用[1],味苦,有显著降低胰淀粉酶作用和泻下作用[2-3];栀子苷在大鼠体内可水解生成京尼平,它能明显抑制大鼠胃液的分泌,栀子苷及京尼平可减少大鼠胃蠕动[3]。绿原酸具有抗炎、利胆、抗病毒、促进胃液分泌及止血作用。鞣质具有收敛止血作用。本研究以栀子苷、绿原酸和鞣质含量为指标,考察炒制温度和时间对栀子主要药效成分的影响 ......
