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http://www.100md.com 2007年9月25日 《中国医药导报》 2007年第27期
     [摘要] 目的:观察48例胃癌的好发部位、肉眼形态,大小及组织学类型,探讨其临床病理特点。方法:取胃壁肿瘤全层,癌旁黏膜及小于3 cm的病灶进行固定、包埋、组织切片、HE染色及组织学检查。结果:癌肿部位以胃窦部最多,占70.8%,肉眼形态以溃疡型最多,占79.2%(含局限溃疡型和浸润溃疡型)。小于3 cm的病灶大多为早期癌。结论:组织学类型与浸润深度及转移密切相关,并且随着肿瘤的进展,肿瘤细胞分化越来越差,浸润及转移率越来越高。胃癌与肠化生关系密切。

    [关键词] 胃癌;病理特点

    [中图分类号]R361[文献标识码]C [文章编号]1673-7210(2007)09(c)-146-02

    Study on pathological character of gastric carcinoma

    BA Ya-ping

    (Department of Pathology Medicine,Women and Children Medical Care Center of Luoyang,Luoyang 471000,China)

    [Abstract] Objective:To explore the pathological character of gastric carcinoma by observing predilection site,morphology and histolgical type in 48 samples.Methods: The samples were obtained from the whole layer of diseased regions ......

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