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http://www.100md.com 2009年8月5日 成娜莎 张克军 王 宁 刘太琴 王长生


     [摘要] 目的:探明太原市中心地区夏秋季常见气传致敏花粉的种类、含量、花粉飘散规律及分布特点,分析其与花粉症的关系,指导该疾病的防治工作。方法:用曝片法调查该地区夏秋季空气中花粉的种类和含量,对比4层、7层、17层楼高度的花粉种类和含量。结果:共收集该地区夏秋季空气中飘散花粉9 189粒,4层楼顶与7层楼顶空气中花粉种类和含量相差不大,17层楼顶空气中花粉种类和含量减少。结论:太原市夏秋季气传致敏花粉以蒿属(6 191粒)及葎草属(1 660粒)为主,花粉的飘散高峰期与花粉症患者的发病季节相一致,居住高层住宅可能会减轻花粉过敏症状。

    [关键词] 花粉症;气传花粉;太原;分析

    [中图分类号]R76 [文献标识码] C[文章编号] 1673-7210(2009)08(a)-173-03

    Study of airborne pollens in central region of Taiyuan City during summer and autumn

    CHENG Nasha, ZHANG Kejun, WANG Ning, LIU Taiqin, WANG Changsheng

    (Department of Otorhinolaryngology, the First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan 030001, China)

    [Abstract] Objective: To investigate the types, content, drift patterns and distribution features of airborne pollen and analyse their relationship with the pollinosis, guide the prevention and treatment of pollinosis. Methods: The types and content of airborne pollens in this area were determined by exposed glass plates and then compared at the height of level 4, 7 and 17. Results: A total of 9 189 pollens had been collected during summer and autumn in this area. No significant differences in the types or content of the airborne pollens were found between the height of level 4 and level 7, however, both the types and content reduced at the height of level 17. Conclusion: The study shows that Artemisia(6 191 granules) and Humulus(1 660 granules) are the major sources of allergenic pollens in Taiyuan city during summer and autumn. The peak period of airborne pollen drift is in accordance with the incidence of pollinosis. Living in high-rise building may help to alleviate the symptoms of pollonosis.

    [Key words] Pollinosis; Airborne pollen; Taiyuan; Analysis


    1 材料与方法

    1.1 制作花粉标准片


    1.2 收集空气中花粉

    采用全国统一标准[2]制做空气花粉取样器,配制凡士林黏附剂及琼脂甘油-碱性复红染色液,置冰箱备用。将花粉取样器分别置于位于太原市中心我院门诊4层、行政楼7层、住院楼17层楼顶平台,每日固定时间将涂抹一层薄而均匀黏附剂的载玻片置于花粉取样器中,使其在空气中暴露24 h,每日各曝片1 张,用以收集空气中花粉 ......
