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http://www.100md.com 2010年5月15日 李桂娥,谭 鹰,黄汉辉,宋伟琼


     [摘要] 目的:观察腰-硬联合麻醉下妇科手术患者服用自拟术后汤后胃肠功能的恢复情况。方法:选择我院妇科腰-硬联合麻醉下妇科手术患者473例,随机分为治疗组237例和对照组236例,两组均给予抗感染、支持疗法,对照组给予口服吗丁啉、VitB6加入5%GS 100 ml静脉滴注,治疗组给予自拟术后汤,观察术后首次排气时间,从而了解胃肠功能恢复情况。结果:治疗组首次肛门排气间平均为(33.24±5.36) h,对照组为(41.32±2.38) h,两组比较有非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论:术后汤对腰-硬联合麻醉下妇科手术患者胃肠道功能恢复有显著作用,疗效确切,性价比高。

    [关键词] 妇科手术;术后汤;排气时间

    [中图分类号]R271.9 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]1673-7210(2010)05(b)-062-02

    Efficacy observation of Self-made Shuhou Decoction on promoting restoration of gastrointestinal function after gynecological operation

    LI Gui'e, TAN Ying, HUANG Hanhui, SONG Weiqiong

    (The Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College, Guangzhou 510150, China)

    [Abstract] Objective: To observe the effect of Shuhou Decoction on promoting the restoration of gastrointestinal operation with CSEA. Methods: We selected 473 patients of gynecological surgical from our hospital, and divided randomly them into two groups, treatment group (237 patients) and control group (236 patients). The two groups were taken anti-infection and supporting treatment at the same time, the control group were given Domperidone(po) and VitB6 into 5% GS 100 ml (ivdrop), the treatment group were given Shuhou Decoction(po). Then observed the patients' first exhaust time in order to understand their restoration condition of gastrointestinal function. Results: The first exhaust time of the treatment group was (33.24±5.36) h, the control group was (41.32±2.38) h, there were significant difference between two groups on the first exhaust time (P<0.01). Conclusion: Shuhou Decoction has significant and exact effect and high price performance ratio on promoting restoration of gynecological surgical patients with CSEA.

    [Key words] Gynecological operation; Shuhou Decotion; Exhaust time

    妇科手术绝大多数情况下为下腹部手术,对肠道的影响虽然不像胃肠道手术有直接的损伤,但由于手术麻醉的抑制、对腹腔脏器的干扰牵引、胃肠道的应激状态等原因易发生术后肠麻痹,临床表现为肠蠕动减弱导致腹胀、腹痛甚至肠梗阻和盆腔粘连,术后恢复需一定的时间,但是如果时间过长将增加患者痛苦,影响机体的康复,西医多为选择自然恢复或对症处理,胃肠道功能恢复一般在术后3 d,为了促使患者术后胃肠道功能早日恢复,根据中医理论,笔者运用自拟术后汤给予患者服用,临床疗效确切,现报道如下:

    1 资料与方法


    选择我院妇科2007年1月~2008年7月妇科手术患者473例,年龄30~62岁,平均(43 ......
