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http://www.100md.com 2010年6月25日 李佳倪,高素清,郑桂琴,赵卫华,邓 明,敖 礼


     [摘要] 目的:分析剖宫产指征,探讨目前产科有关热点问题。方法:回顾性分析我院2008年1月~2009年12月剖宫产病例的手术指征,研究各类指征剖宫产的特点。结果:瘢痕子宫剖宫产及社会因素剖宫产高居不下,头位难产中,以持续性枕横位或持续性枕后位为主,胎儿窘迫为指征的剖宫产诊断问题,妊娠期高血压疾病的人群特点,均影射出目前产科领域的一些问题。结论:剖宫产率居高难下,有围生期保健、产程观察处理及医生的诊疗水平等各层面的问题。

    [关键词] 剖宫产率;剖宫产;剖宫产指征

    [中图分类号] R719.1[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-7210(2010)06(c)-035-02

    Clinical analysis of indications for cesarean section

    LI Jia′ni, GAO Suqing, ZHENG Guiqin, ZHAO Weihua, DENG Ming, AO Li

    (Department of Obstetrics, the Second Hospital of Shenzhen City, Shenzhen 518035, China)

    [Abstract] Objective: To analyze the indications for cesarean section and discuss the current hot issues related to obstetrics. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted from January 2008 to December 2009 in our hospital, the surgical indications for cesarean section were collected, and the characteristics of various indications for cesarean section were analyzed. Results: Cesarean section with uterine scar after prior cesarean section, and social reasons cesarean section remained a high ratio. In cephalic dystocia, persistent occiputotransverse position and persistent occiputoposterior position were mainly the most indications for cesarean section. Diagnosis of fetal distress as indication for a cesarean section, group characteristics of the hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy alluded the problems in current obstetric. Conclusion: Perinatal health care, observation and treatment of the stage of labor, diagnosis and treatment level of the doctors and so on, reasons for the cesarean section ratio keep high.

    [Key words] Cesarean section rate; Cesarean section; Cesarean section indications


    1 一般资料

    资料来源于我院2008年1月~2009年12月分娩的所有病例4 745例,年龄18~43岁,初产妇3 358例,剖宫产2 433例。采用回顾性分析方法将资料输入Excel软件进行数据分析。

    2 结果


    3 讨论

    以瘢痕子宫为指征的剖宫产,其前次剖宫产距此次间隔10年以内,如今居高不下的社会因素剖宫产注定了以后瘢痕子宫剖宫产又将成为剖宫产的主要指征。以社会因素为指征的剖宫产,主要原因为,①对分娩过程的恐惧:传统的产科服务模式,使产妇感到孤独和痛苦;②对疼痛的恐惧:视剖宫产为快速、安全的无痛分娩方式;③担心难产:产程中一旦出现问题,急诊剖宫产,承受了阴道分娩和剖宫产的双重痛苦;④辅助科室的先入为主:B 超对胎儿大小的估计误差,尤其是双顶径,有些孕妇认为胎儿大,不可能顺产,没有阴道试产的信心;⑤择吉日、择吉时剖宫产;⑥孕妇及家属的坚持,医务人员疲于解释,试产过程的不可知因素、不可预料的结局,结局不良者可能导致医疗纠纷 ......
