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http://www.100md.com 2011年7月15日 黄 蓓 毛长智


     [摘要] 目的:通过正交试验,优选荆芥穗挥发油超声波提取工艺。方法:采用L9(33)正交设计,以挥发油提取得率为指标,考察荆芥穗药材浸泡时间、药材粉碎度、超声时间等因素对挥发油提取得率的影响。结果:荆芥穗挥发油最佳提取条件为药材不用浸泡,药材粉碎度为10目,超声时间60 min。结论:优化得到的荆芥穗挥发油提取工艺简单、稳定、可行,分别采用水蒸汽蒸馏法与超声波法进行提取荆芥穗挥发油平行实验,超声波法提取的挥发油平均得率为0.76%,高于传统水蒸汽蒸馏法提取率的0.61%,可为实际生产提供依据。

    [关键词] 荆芥穗;挥发油;超声法;提取工艺;正交试验

    [中图分类号] R283.6 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-7210(2011)07(b)-107-03

    Optimization of ultrasonic extraction technology of volatile oil of Spica schizonepetae Tenuifolia by orthogonal design

    HUANG Bei1, MAO Zhangzhi2

    1.Department of Preparation, Ruikang Hospital Affiliated to Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medicine University, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530011, China; 2.Department of Pharmacy, the Third People's Hospital of Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530003, China

    [Abstract] Objective: To optimize the extraction technology of volatile oil of Spica schizonepetae Tenuifolia. Methods: With the content of volatile oil of Spica schizonepetae Tenuifolia as the index, L9 (33) orthogonal experimental design was adopted to investigate the effect of soaking time, particle size of herb, ult-rasonic time of the extraction efficiency of volatile oil of Spica schizonepetae Tenuifolia. Results: The extraction efficiency of volatile oil of Spica schizonepetae Tenuifolia with ultrasonic method was 0.76%, higher than that (0.61%) with the traditional method of steam distillation, the optimum extraction conditions were as follows, no need to soaking, the smash degree 10 mu and the ultrasonic time of 40 min. Conclusion: The selected extraction conditions are convenient and practical and could be used as a reference for industrial production.

    [Key words] Spica schizonepetae Tenuifolia; Volatile oil; Ultrasonic; Extraction technology; Orthogonal design

    荆芥穗(Spica schizonepetae Tenuifolia)为唇形科植物荆芥的干燥花穗。荆芥穗味辛,性温,无毒,清香气浓。荆芥穗为发汗、解热药,是中华常用草药之一。荆芥穗能解表散风、透疹、消疮,用于感冒、头痛、麻疹、风疹、疮疡初起[1]。荆芥穗所含挥发油是其主要药理活性成分,药理研究文献资料表明荆芥总挥发油具有缓解支气管平滑肌痉挛,抗过敏、镇静、祛痰、抗炎等作用,荆芥挥发油主要含有胡薄荷酮和薄荷酮等化合物,具有特殊的香气。

    目前荆芥挥发油的提取,仍以常规的水蒸汽蒸馏法、溶剂提取法以及蒸馏-萃取联用的方法为主,这些方法操作简单,但存在萃取效率低、能耗和污染大等不利因素,严重限制了荆芥挥发油的开发应用。近年来超临界CO2萃取法、微波萃取法等新方法在挥发油的提取工艺研究上得到了新的应用 ......
