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http://www.100md.com 2011年7月25日 罗发生 李功辉 李奇林 夏东斌 刘曲汇 彭燕飞 刘小霞


     [摘要] 目的:观察辨证分型穴位敷贴对原发性高血压的临床疗效,探寻治疗高血压的中医外治手段。方法:将120例原发性高血压患者分为治疗组(90例)和对照组(30例),治疗组辨证分成肝阳上亢证、痰湿阻滞证、气虚血瘀证,对照组为未辨证分型的患者。治疗组患者分别用相对应的方药用醋调成药膏敷贴神阙穴、双侧涌泉穴,对照组用麦麸敷贴同一组穴位。观察两组患者治疗8周后的血压变化。结果:经过8周的治疗观察,治疗组显效51例,有效32例,无效4例,总有效率为95.29%;对照组显效0例,有效3例,无效26例,总有效率为10.34%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:本研究提示,辨证分型穴位敷贴治疗原发性高血压切实有效,操作简便,体现了中医“简、便、验、廉、效”的特点,对于当前广大高血压病患者具有更现实的治疗意义。

    [关键词] 辨证分型;穴位敷贴疗法;原发性高血压

    [中图分类号] R544.1[文献标识码]B [文章编号]1673-7210(2011)07(c)-108-03

    Clinical research on syndrome differentiation of point application in the treatment of primary hypertension

    LUO Fasheng1, LI Gonghui2, LI Qilin2, XIA Dongbin2, LIU Quhui1, PENG Yanfei1, LIU Xiaoxia1

    1.Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qiufo Hospital of Luogang District, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510555, China; 2.Department of Emergency, Zhujiang Hospital Affiliated to Southern Medical University, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510280, China

    [Abstract] Objective: To observe the clinical curative effect on syndrome differentiation of point application in the treatment of primary hypertension, and to explore the external treatment methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Methods: 120 cases of primary hypertension were divided into treatment group (90 cases) and control group (30 cases), the patients of treatment group were divided into three syndromes with liver yang hyperactivity syndrome, phlegm wet blocking syndrome, qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome. Patients without classification as control group. Treatment groups was given corresponding Chinese medicine with vinegar as ointment to post in Shenjue acupuncture point, bilateral Yongquan acupuncture point, control group was given wheat bran to post the same acupuncture point, blood pressure changes of the two groups were observed after 8 weeks of treatment. Results: After 8 weeks of treatment observation, treatment group had 51 cases of excellent, 51 cases were effective, and 4 cases were ineffective, total effective rate was 95.29%. In the control group, no one was excellent, 3 cases were effective, and 26 cases were ineffective, total effective rate was 10.34%. There were significant differences between the total effective rate of two groups (P<0 ......
