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http://www.100md.com 2012年1月15日 李翠芳


     [摘要] 目的 了解我市吸毒人群中艾滋病、梅毒和丙肝的感染率变化趋势以及吸毒行为的变化情况,以获得我市艾滋病流行趋势及危险因素,及时总结我市艾滋病哨点监测工作经验及监测工作中存在的问题,更好地有针对性地开展艾滋病宣传教育及防治工作。 方法 按照中国疾病预防控制中心性艾中心艾滋病哨点/丙肝哨点监测实施方案要求进行监测。 结果 2010~2011年我市监测的吸毒人员均为男性,青壮年、已婚者居多,多数吸毒者为初中以下文化,吸毒人群的吸毒方式以口吸为主,大都吸食海洛因。2010年监测的421例吸毒人员中有商业性行为占14.01%,静脉注射吸毒者占16.15%,共用针具者占19.12%,HIV抗体阳性1例,阳性检出率为0.24%,梅毒抗体检测阳性8例,检出率为1.90%,丙肝抗体阳性46例,检出率为10.93%。2011年监测的411例吸毒人员中有商业性行为者占21.41%,静脉注射吸毒者占22.87%,共用针具者占37.23%,未检出HIV抗体阳性者,梅毒抗体检测阳性23例,检出率为5.59%,丙肝阳性56例,检出率为13.63%。 结论 我市被调查的吸毒人群中艾滋病感染率较低,梅毒、丙肝感染率较高,呈上升趋势;静脉注射吸毒、共用针具、商业性行为等危险行为发生率有所升高。在吸毒人群中加强艾滋病防治知识,进行健康教育和行为干预刻不容缓。

    [关键词] 吸毒人员;吸毒方式;艾滋病;梅毒;丙肝;感染人群

    [中图分类号] R512.910.1 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)01(b)-124-03

    Analysis of AIDS sentinel surveillance results of drug addicts in Yongji city from 2010 to 2011

    LI Cuifang

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of Yongji City, Shanxi Province, Yongji 044500, China

    [Abstract] Objective To investigate the variation trend of AIDS, syphilis and hepatitis C infection rate and the change of drug behavior among drug addicts, in order to acquire the epidemic trends and risk factors of the AIDS in our city, thus to summarize the experience and existing problems of AIDS sentinel surveillance work of our city and improve targeted advocacy, education and prevention of AIDS. Methods NCAIDS HIV/hepatitis C sentinel surveillance plan of Chinese centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) was implemented. Results In our city, all the drug addicts were male, and the majority drug addicts were married, young adults were most under junior middle school education. Inhalation was the commonest way of drug taking in drug addicts and Heroin was the commonest drug. Among the 421 cases of drug addicts in 2010, 14.01% had commercial sex, 16.15% were intravenous drug addicts and 19.12% were shared syringe with others ......
