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http://www.100md.com 2012年7月25日 植敏


     [摘要] 目的 探讨持续性健康教育对异常脐血流孕妇的影响。 方法 将67例脐血流S/D值异常孕妇随机分为观察组(n = 33)和实验组(n = 34)。观察组仅给予一般孕期健康知识宣教,实验组自孕24周首次监测脐血流异常开始至孕妇住院分娩期间实施持续性健康教育,使其掌握异常脐血流治疗的相关知识,积极配合治疗,遵医服药,遵医吸氧,自测胎动,定期监测脐血流,遵医采取最佳睡眠卧位,提高其遵医行为,促进异常脐血流的改善或降低至正常,促进胎儿足月产和孕妇自然分娩。 结果 实验组孕妇遵医行为、分娩时S/D值降至正常、足月产例数均高于观察组,剖宫产率低于观察组(P < 0.05)。 结论 持续性健康教育有利于提高孕妇的遵医行为,降低S/D值,延长孕周,提高足月产,降低剖宫产。

    [关键词] 持续性健康教育;异常脐血流;S/D值;遵医行为;孕妇

    [中图分类号] R473.71 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)07(c)-0124-03

    Influence of continued healthy education on pregnant women with abnormal umbilical cord blood flow

    ZHI Min

    Maternal and Child Care Service Centre of Hechi City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Hechi 547000, China

    [Abstract] Objective To explore the influence of continued health education on pregnant women with abnormal umbilical cord blood flow. Methods 67 cases of pregnant women with umbilical cord blood flow S/D value abnormality were randomly divided into the observation group (n = 33) and the experimental group (n = 34). The observation group was given general health knowledge education during pregnancy, and the experimental group was given continued healthy education from the first monitoring of umbilical cord blood flow abnormality at 24 week of pregnancy to delivery inpatient, and made pregnant women master related knowledge of abnormal umbilical cord blood flow treatment, actively cooperate with treatment, compliance of medication, compliance of oxygen, check fetal movement by oneself, monitor umbilical cord blood flow regularly, adopt the best sleep supine, improve its medical compliance behavior, promote the improvement of abnormal umbilical cord blood flow or reduce it to normal, and promote the full-term fetus and pregnant women natural birth ......
