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http://www.100md.com 2015年8月15日 中国医药导报2015年第23期
     [摘要] 目的 探讨心理健康教育对精神病患者家属心理健康状况的影响,为优化该类患者家属的护理服务方案提供理论性指导。 方法 选取2012年10月~2013年9月惠州市第二人民医院(以下简称“我院”)精神科精神病患者家属152例为对照组,实施常规的护理服务方案;同时选取2013年10月~2014年9月我院精神科精神病患者家属160例为研究组,在实施常规的护理服务方案基础上开展心理健康教育。干预前后分别采用90项症状自评量表(SCL-90)对两组进行测评,比较两组患者家属心理健康状况。 结果 两组精神病患者家属干预前各项SCL-90评分差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05),研究组干预后躯体化、强迫症状、人际关系敏感、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、恐怖、偏执和精神病性的SCL-90分数均明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 心理健康教育能有效改善精神病患者家属的心理状况,促进其社会功能的回归,为患者提供更为优质的家庭护理服务,有助于患者的早日康复。

    [关键词] 心理健康;教育;精神疾病;影响

    [中图分类号] R473.74 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2015)08(b)-0146-04

    [Abstract] Objective To explore the effect of psychological health education on psychological health status of psychotic relatives and provide optimizing theoretical guidance of nursing service for psychotic relatives. Methods From October 2012 to September 2013, 152 relatives of psychopath in the Second People's Hospital of Huizhou City (“our hospital” for short) were selected as control group, who were given the normal nursing; while 160 relatives of psychopath from October 2013 to September 2014 in our hospital were selected as research group, who were treated with psychological health education on the basis of normal nursing. The self-evaluating table of SCL-90 was used in the two groups, and psychological health status of the two groups were compared before and after intervention. Results Before intervention, SCL-90 score in the two groups had no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05); after intervention, SCL-90 score of somatization, obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, horror, paranoid and other psychosis in research group were obviously lower than those of the control group, the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion Psychological health education can not only effectively improve the psychological status of relatives, but also return their social functions, and provide better home nursing service for the psychopath, it is helpfull for patients' recover.

    [Key words] Mental health; Education; Mental disease; Effect



    1.1 一般资料

    选取2012年10月~2013年9月广东省惠州市第二人民医院(以下简称“我院”)精神科精神病患者家属152例进行问卷调查,设为对照组,其中男48例,女104例;年龄40~71岁,平均(63.2±2.6)岁;大学学历16例,中学学历72例,小学学历64例;选取我院精神科2013年10月~2014年9月符合调查对象条件的精神病患者家属160例进行问卷调查,设为研究组,其中男60例,女100例;年龄44~72岁,平均(64.5±3.1)岁;大学学历24例,中学学历64例,小学学历72例。所有患者入院当天均由两名具有主治医师职称以上的医生联合诊断,确诊为精神疾病,诊断参照《中国精神障碍分类与诊断标准》(CCMD-3)。本次研究每位患者均只测试一位家属。纳入标准:排除滥用精神药物者;无任何精神疾病;无重大脑器质性疾病。两组患者家属在年龄、文化层次、性别方面比较差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05),具有可比性。所有患者家属均了解本次研究且自愿参与。 (朱伟芳等)
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