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http://www.100md.com 2019年5月15日 《世界中医药》 201910
     Key Words Spasmodic torticollis; Treating lung and regulating yang; Consolidating and protecting liver and kidney; Using insect medicine skillfully; Treating both manifestation and root cause of disease; Preventive treatment of disease; Medical records; Experience of a famous doctor

    中图分类号:R249;R826.62 文献标识码:B doi:10.3969/j.issn.1673-7202.2019.10.044

    特发性痉挛性斜颈(Spasmodic Torticollis,ST)由于胸锁乳突肌、斜方肌等颈部肌群自发性不自主收缩导致异常的姿势或者运动的一种局限性肌张力障碍[1]。发病原因尚不明确,目前认为与遗传、环境等多种因素及其相互作用有关。本病常在成年后起病,起病缓慢。临床症状可因情绪激动而诱发甚至加重,可于睡眠中完全消失。特殊的姿势及疼痛严重影响患者的身心健康 ......
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