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http://www.100md.com 2008年5月1日 《中国实用医药》 2008年第9期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)短疗程适形非常规放疗同步EP方案化疗的疗效。方法 Ⅲ期NSCLC患者68例,第1周采用适形常规放疗,2GY/次,照射5次,周六、日休息;然后采用常规大剂量放疗3GY/次,5次/周,照射10次;第4周与第1周治疗方式相同;第5周3GY/次,照射3次;共31 d完成全部放疗,等效生物剂量为70GY。化疗采用EP方案:第1、2、3天VP-16 80 mg/m2,静脉滴注;第1天PDD 60 mg/m2 静脉滴注。21 d为1个周期,于照射当天同时行静脉化疗。同步放化疗结束后第3周再行3周期强化静脉化疗。结果 近期有效率为89.7%,1、2、3年生存率为73.5%、39.7%、22.1%;中位生存期为19.6个月。结论 短疗程适形非常规放疗同步EP方案化疗Ⅲ期NSCLC有较好疗效,不良反应可以耐受。

    【关键词】 肺癌;适形放疗;短疗程;非常规;化疗;同步

    Synchro EP of extraordinary gauge of short course of treatment shape suitable radiotherapy scheme chemotherapy Ⅲ in non-cellule lung cancer phase of 68 cases
, 百拇医药
    【Abstract】 Objective Explore the treatment effect of non-cellule lung cancer(NSCLC)owes a course of treatment the synchro EP of extraordinary shape gauge suitable radiotherapy scheme chemotherapy.MethodsⅢex-pects the NSCLC patients of 68 cases,the first cycles adopted the shape routine radiotherapy suitable,2 GY/irradiate 5 times,gradually have a rest Saturday, Adopt large dosages of routine then radiotherapy 3 GY/are inferior,5 times of//cycles,irradiate 10 times;The fourth cycles and the first cycles were treated is identical;the Fifth cycle 3 GY/irradiate 3 times,31 days accomplishes all radiotherapies,equivalent living things dosages are 70 GY.The chemotherapy adopt the EP scheme:VP-16 80 mg/m2 quiescent point the 1 st,2nd,3nd day; PDD 60 mg/m2 quiescent point 1 st day.21 days is a period,in irradiating the very day performing the vein chemotherapy at the same time.Put in a chemotherapy synchroly 3 periods ending last third strengthen the vein chemotherapy.Results The efficiency in the near future is 89.7%,the survival rate is 73.5%,39.7%,22.1%for1,2,3 years respectivelly; The median place life cycle is 19.6 months.Conclusion Synchro EP of extraordinary gauge of short course of treatment shape suitable radiotherapy scheme chemotherapy Ⅲ scheduled time NSCLC has the fairly treatment effect,The patient could endure the side-effects.
, 百拇医药
    【Key words】 Lung cancer;Shape radiotherapy suitable;Short course of treatment;Extraordinary gauge;Chemotherapy;Synchro


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 资料 本组108例非小细胞肺癌患者均经病理学或细胞学检查证实。根据国际TNM分期标准,病期为Ⅲ期,其中Ⅲa期41例;Ⅲb期(除外恶性胸水、心包积液者)27例;病理分型:鳞癌32例,腺癌19例,大细胞未分化癌17例;年龄24~74岁。男47例,女21例;卡氏计分>70分;肿瘤部位:中心型45例,外周型23例。
, 百拇医药
    1.2 治疗方法

    1.2.1 放疗方法 采用适形放射治疗技术。CT定位后,根据影像的解剖结构逐层勾画出大体肿瘤体积(GTV),然后再勾画出邻近敏感器官结构。放射靶区的边界为CT肺窗条件下GTV外1.2 cm,不做淋巴引流区的预防性照射。正常肺组织受量采用V20作评估,要求V202 静脉滴注;第1天PDD 60 mg/m2 静脉滴注。化疗前后用地塞米松5 mg静脉推注预防静脉炎,并常规水化,恩丹西酮止吐。21 d为1个周期,于照射当天同时行静脉化疗。同步放化疗结束后第3周再行3周期强化静脉化疗,鳞癌多采用CAP方案,腺癌多采用MAF方案,大细胞未分化癌多采用AVP方案(C:环磷酰胺800~1 000 mg,A:阿/表阿霉素50~60 mg,P:顺铂100~150 mg,M:丝裂霉素10~14 mg,V:长春新碱2 mg,F:氟脲嘧啶500~1 000 mg)。应用顺铂时要适当水化,化疗期间要碱化尿液,用恩丹西酮和奥美拉唑预防消化道反应,有Ⅲ~Ⅳ级血液毒性反应要配合用集落刺激因子。, http://www.100md.com(马志乾 李俊菊 安永辉 韩鲁军)
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