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http://www.100md.com 2011年4月5日 李平 吕绍成


     【摘要】 目的 探讨不同的下斜肌减弱术在治疗上斜肌麻痹性斜视中的疗效。方法 对2004年7月至2010年6月收治上斜肌麻痹性斜视163例, 分别行下斜肌部分切除前转位术或下斜肌断腱术、下斜肌后徙术及下斜肌截腱联合同侧上直肌或对侧下直肌后徙术。结果 163例中合并DVD 8 例。术前118例有代偿头位,术后代偿头位消失73例(61.86%),好转40例(33.89%),无效5例(4.23%)。单纯下斜肌减弱术163 例中治愈142例(87.12%),好转12例(7.36%),无效6例(3.68 %),过矫3例(1.84%)。结论 先天垂直性麻痹临床表现复杂,手术方式不一,灵活选择不同的手术方式可收到较好效果。下斜肌部分切除前转位术的平均矫正量高于下斜肌后徙及下斜肌断腱术。在行下斜肌部分切除转位术时,一定要截除足量的下斜肌,一般为6~8 mm,这样才能使下斜肌的上转作用转变为下转作用因而使其减弱效果更为明显。




    The therapeutic effects of inferior oblique weakening surgery for 263 superior oblique paralysis patients


    LI Ping,LV Shao-cheng.The Fourth People’s Hospital of Panji City,Liaoning 124000,China


    【Abstract】 Objective To discuss the therapeutic effects of different inferior oblique muscles weakening surgery for superior oblique paralysis. Methods 163 patients with superior oblique paralysis from Jul 2004 to Jun 2010 were performed inferior oblique muscle myectomy and anterior transposition, recession, myectomy and tenotomy. Results 118 cases had head posture pre-operation,73 cases disappeared post-operation (61.86%), 40 cases was better(33.89%) and 5 cases was of no effect(4.23%). Finally,142 cases were cured (87.12%), 12 cases were improved (7.36%),6 cases received no effectiveness(3.68%) and 3 cases overcorrected(1.84%).Conclusion The clinic symptoms are complicated and the surgery methods are various for superior oblique paralysis, we should choose proper surgery method. The mean corrective data of myectomy and anterior transposition is higher than other methods. During this operation,we should resect inferior oblique enough to weaken the power, commnly 6~8 mm.

    【Key words】

    Inferior oblique;Anterior transposition


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料 自2004年7月至2010年6月利用不同的下斜肌减弱术治疗垂直性麻痹性斜视163例,其中男83例,女80 例;年龄2~80岁,平均15岁;单眼上斜肌麻痹者91例,双眼上斜肌麻痹者28 例,单眼上直肌麻痹者25 例,单眼双上转肌麻痹者13例,单眼双下转肌麻痹者5例,双上直肌麻痹1例;合并水平斜视者94例,其中内斜视32例,外斜视60 例;合并弱视者59 例;合并DVD8例;合并代偿头位者118例;Bielschowsky征阳性者114例。

    1.2 术前检者 常规检查视力与屈光度,同视机及Titmus图检查双眼视功能,Parks 三步法结合同视机加十字画片及眼球运动确定麻痹肌,检查同视机加十字画片时,有双眼视功能者采用自觉斜角检查法 ......
