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http://www.100md.com 2011年6月15日 蔡敏 孙屿 潘伟 胡雪玲


     【摘要】 目的 提高对多发性脑梗死合并代谢综合征临床特点的认识,提高治疗有效率。方法 对2003年1月至2010年12月住院治疗的多发性脑梗死患者按有无合并代谢综合征进行分组回顾性对比分析。结果 两组在患病年龄(<60)、病程、肥胖率、意识障碍率、记忆障碍率、治疗无效率、疗程等方面比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 合并MS的MCI有发病年轻化趋势,血糖、血脂、HDL-C、病程、意识障碍、记忆力障碍发生率,颅内病灶明显增多,再发率、死亡率明显增高,表明合并MS的MCI患者危险性较无合并者明显升高,预后不良,严重影响老年人健康和生活质量。要注意关注在该人群中对各种异常代谢指标的早期筛查与及早干预。


    Clinic feature and prognosis of patients who have multiple cerebral infarction complicated with metabolic syndrome

    Cai Min,Sun Yu,Pan Wei, et al.

    Department of Internal Medicine,Sanshui Affiliated Hospital of Guagndong Medical College,Guangdong 528100,China

    【Abstract】 Objective To improve the realization of clinic feature of patients who have multiple cerebral infarction complicated with metabolic syndrome and raise the therapy effectiveness. Methods A retrospective contrastive analysis of patients who had multiple cerebral infarction complicated with metabolic syndrome in hospital from January 2003 to December 2010.Results Age,pathogenesis,prevalence of obesity,consciousness disorders,memory disorders and treatment futility and course of treatment were different between patients who had multiple cerebral infarction complicated with metabolic syndrome.Conclusion Patients who had multiple cerebral infarction complicated with metabolic syndrome are more younger,havd higher prevalence of blood glucose disorder,lipid metabolism disorder,HDL-C abnormality,long pathogenesis,consciousness disorders,memory disorders,intracalvarium focus and recurrence,and had higher mortality.This indicates that these patients have high risk and unfavourable prognosis,low life quality. It is important to screen and intervene the patients who had multiple cerebral infarction complicated with metabolic syndrome at early stage.

    【Key words】Multiple cerebral infarction; Metabolic syndrome; Clinic feature; Prognosis

    多发性脑梗死(multipleinfarct,MCI)是两个或两个以上不同供血系统脑血管闭塞引起的梗死[1],是反复发生脑梗死所致,其预后不良,死亡率和致残率高。代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome,MS)是综合征候群,是肥胖、高血压、高血脂、高血糖等心血管病多种代谢危险因素在个体内集结的状态[2],其可直接导致或促进了多发性脑梗死的发生、发展 ......
