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http://www.100md.com 2012年1月15日 辛英才 马纲骍 陈洪昌 宋静杰 宋志英 赵意


     and tumor markers in metastasis and non metastatic groups, and in each pathological classification had remarkable statistical significance. Fib and CEA in metastatic patients were very higher than non metastasis, and there is notable statistical significance. There were 16 patients undergone surgical treatment in non metastasis group, in which indicate that prognosis was better with reduced Fib and CEA in plasma. Conclusion The studys suggest that higher coagulative parameters in chest m alignant patients indicate hypercoagulability at plasma. More serious disorders of coagulation in metastatic patients have worse prognosis. This investigation suggest that patients with chest m alignant tumor given anticoagulants treatment can improve and rectify coagulative disorders. It play more effect on inhibiting tumor metastasis. Combined detection of Fib and CEA has important clinical significance for tumor deteriorated and judged patients condition and prognosis. In addition, the indepth study on coagulation and fibrinolysis in chest m alignant tumors help to explore more effective preventative measures and it has a great significance in prolonging patients survival.

    【Key words】

    Lung cancer; Blood; Fib; CEA; Prognosis



    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料

    本组共147例肺癌患者,均为我院自2008年1月至2010年1月收治的患者,年龄31~85岁,平均63岁。随机分为肿瘤组和非肿瘤组。非肿瘤组51例,男37例,女14例,年龄32~76岁,平均年龄60岁。其中胸部损伤10例,肺感染10例,冠心病15例,风心病5例,先心病4例,胸壁结核4例,自发性气胸3例。肿瘤组患者96例,男74例,女22例,年龄31~85岁,平均年龄64岁。其中肺癌68例(鳞癌45例,腺癌16例,小细胞癌1例,未分化癌6例),食管癌20例(鳞癌17例,混合腺癌3例),贲门癌8例。诊断根据CT、内窥镜和组织学病理检查做出。肺癌的病理分型是根据世界卫生组织肺癌分类标准修订版来分型。被证实远隔转移的患者59例,占肿瘤组61.5%。治疗方法无选择病例, 随机进行;其中手术患者16例,占16.7%;化疗患者68例,占70.8%,化疗方案为MVP(丝裂霉素、长春酰胺、顺铂或卡铂);放疗患者3例,占3.1%;其他治疗(包括支持营养、免疫调节、中医药等)9例。在96例肿瘤组患者中,87例获得随访,随访率91%,随访时间4~24个月,平均15个月,死亡30例。

    1.2 方法

    对所选患者包括肿瘤组和非肿瘤组,入院时进行11项检测:凝血四项(纤维蛋白原FIB、凝血酶原时间PT、激活凝血活酶时间APTT、凝血酶时间TT),肿瘤标志物(癌胚抗原CEA、铁蛋白SF、甲胎蛋白AFP、糖类抗原50 CA50)以及C反应蛋白(CRP)、血小板(BPC)和红细胞压积(HCT)。

    1.2.1 检测方法 凝血四项检测应用ACL3000全自动血凝分析仪(美国Coulter)检测。肿瘤标志物检测用mini VIDAS自动荧光酶标分析仪(法国 bio Merieux),采用酶联免疫吸附ELISA法测定。

    1.2.2 统计学方法 本组统计设计为前瞻性成组调查设计,采用SPSS 13.0统计软件包处理,对各组间差异采用单因素方差分析;对有无转移组和不同肿瘤病理分型各组的血液指标检测,采用非参数KruskalWallis等级分布概率法检验,临界值用中位数分组。以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

    2 结果

    2.1 肿瘤组与非肿瘤组凝血四项指标方差分析结果

    凝血四项指标的肿瘤组与非肿瘤组方差分析比较 ......
