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http://www.100md.com 2017年5月5日 《中国实用医药》 2017年第13期
     【摘要】 采用艾灸疗法, 根据患者不同证型, 辨证取穴, 如足三里、印堂、迎香、命门、百会、气海、三阴交、涌泉、神阙、上星、风池等穴, 每次约5~6个穴位, 每穴10 min。7~10 d为1个疗程。采用艾灸法治疗过敏性鼻炎, 药物原材料绿色天然, 无毒副作用, 该疗法无药物依赖性, 疗效确切稳定。

    【关键词】 过敏性鼻炎;艾灸;体会


    【Abstract】 Patients all treated with moxibustion, and different syndrome types are based on for dialectical acupoint selection, such as Zusanli, Yintang, Yingxiang, Mingmen, Baihui, Qihai, Sanyinjiao, Yongquan, Shenjue, Shangxing, Fengchi acupoint, with 5~6 acupoints each time, 10 min for each acupoint, and 7~10 d as a course. Moxibustion has exact and stable effect for the treatment of allergic rhinitis ......

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