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http://www.100md.com 2010年8月1日 陈 利


     【摘要】 目的 探讨产后护理干预进行乳房按摩在减轻乳房胀痛和促进乳汁分泌方面的临床效果。方法 选择我院住院分娩无妊娠合并症、单胎、足月分娩的产妇100例随机分为两组各50例,治疗组产后第1天开始给予乳房按摩,按摩手法及乳房护理方法严格按照操作规程进行;对照组按照产科常规进行乳房护理。结果 治疗组产妇乳房胀痛程度和乳汁分泌情况与对照组有显著性差异。结论 产后进行乳房按摩可减轻乳房胀痛和促进乳汁分泌增多,从而提高了母乳喂养的成功率。

    【关键词】 产后;乳房按摩;乳房胀痛;乳汁分泌

    The clinical observation of the post-natal breast massage reducing the breast painfully swollen and promoting milk secretion

    CHEN Li.

    Department of Maternity,Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Ningxiang,HuNan 410600,China

    【Abstract】 Objective To discusses the feasibility and the effect of post-natal carries on the breast massage to reduce the breast painfully swollen and promote milk secretion aspect.Methods Choosed my courtyard in hospital childbirth non-pregnancy complications single embryo,term delivery’s parturient women 100 examples divide into two groups stochastically,the treatment group post-natal 1st day start to give the breast massage,the massage technique and the breast nursing method carry on strictly according to the regulations.The control group carries on breast nursing according to obstetrics convention.Results The treatment group parturient women breast painfully swollen degree and the milk secretion situation and the control group have the significance difference.Conclusion Post-natal breast massage can be possible to reduce the breast painfully swotlen and the promotion milk secretion increases,thus enhances breast feeding to result in the success ratio.

    【Key words】 Post-natal;Breast massage;Breast painfully swollen;Milk secretion


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 临床资料 选择2009年4月至2010年3月在我院产科足月分娩产妇50例作为治疗组,其中顺产30例,剖宫产20例,产妇无妊娠合并症,孕周37~40周,产后出血在500 ml以下,年龄22~39岁,有判断能力,语言交流正常,无乳腺增生,新生儿能吸吮。另选同等条件的产妇、产式、孕周、例数相同作为对照组,对照组按照产科常规进行乳房护理。

    1.2 方法 由接受过专业培训的护士操作。操作时保持室内温度的恒定,创造舒适放松的环境,播放轻柔的音乐。

    1.2.1 乳房周边的按摩 产妇取仰卧位,以55℃~65℃温水热敷双乳房5 min,按摩师双手涂以按摩精油:①手部如握球一般,横向抚摸乳房,另一手置于握乳房的手上面,从乳房边缘向乳房中心按摩,使乳腺管通畅,同时减轻疼痛;②一手手指并拢,置于乳房斜下方,托着乳房,另一手置于托着乳房的手上方,向斜上方按摩;③一手手指并拢,置于其下方,托住乳房,另一后置于托着乳房的手自下方向上按摩。20 min/次左右,反复按摩,同时检查乳房有无硬结、肿块。按以上方法按摩,2次/d。

    1.2.2 乳头的按摩 ①压迫法,一手向上托住乳房,另一手拇指、食指、中指抓住乳头、乳晕处向中心部分轻压;②纵向按摩,以拇指、食指、中指抓住乳头、乳晕处,由乳晕上方朝下轻轻地边拉边揉3~4次;③横向按摩,一手向上托住乳房,另一手拇指、食指、中指抓住乳头、乳晕处横向轻轻揉捏[1] ......
