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http://www.100md.com 2011年7月15日 朱政和 檀谊洪 肖玉根 杜国能 刘剑文


     [摘要] 目的 对血浆纤维蛋白原(fibrinogen,FIB)与胆道梗阻的关系进行初步探讨。方法 113例胆道疾病患者分成四组:A胆道结石组、B胆道结石+胆道感染组、C胆道结石+胆道感染+胆道梗阻组、D壶腹癌+胆道梗阻组。比较四组间FIB的差异,分析 C组中FIB升高者与正常者间的生化及凝血功能指标的差异。 结果A、B组间与 C、D组间FIB差异无统计学意义(P<0.05)。C、D组与A、B组间FIB差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。C组中FIB≤4g/L者与>4g/L者组间胆红素值差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 胆道梗阻是导致血浆FIB升高的原因,阻塞性黄疸的患者若Fib<4g/L可能表示肝功能损害严重。

    [关键词] 纤维蛋白原;胆道梗阻;胆道结石;阻塞性黄疸;凝血

    [中图分类号] R575[文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1673-9701(2011)20-64-03

    Relationship between the Plasma Fibrinogen and Biliary Tract Obstruction

    ZHU ZhengheTAN YihongXIAO YugenDU GuonengLIU Jianwen

    Department of General Surgery,Foshan City Nanhai DistrictPeople’s Hospital, Foshan 528200,China

    [Abstract] Objective To investigate the relationship between plasma fibrinogen and biliary tract obstruction. Methods 113 cases of patients with bile duct disease were divided into four groups: Group A,biliary tract stones;Group B,biliary tract stones with biliary tract infection;Group C, biliary tract stones with biliary tract infection and biliary tract obstruction;Group D,ampullary carcinomas with biliary tract obstruction. The differences of fibrinogen levels among four groups were analyzed. According to the levels of fibrinogen,Group C was divided into normal group andabnormal group. Indexes of biochemical function and blood coagulation were compared. Results There were signicant differences between groups C,D and groups A,B(P<0.05). In group C, statistical differences in bilirubin were observed between the high fibrinogen group(>4g/L) and low fibrinogen groups(≤4g/L). Conclusion Biliary tract obstruction can lead to increasing of plasma fibrinogens. The fibrinogen level lower than 4g/L in patients with obstructive jaundice is indicating serious damage of liver.

    [Key words] Fibrinogen;Biliary tract obstruction;Bile duct stones;Jaundice obstructive;Blood coagulation




    研究群体为我院2006年3月1日~2010年6月1日收治的各种胆道疾患住院患者共325例,根据研究目的将符合条件的研究对象113例分为四组,其中胆道结石三组共95例,TNM分期Ⅰ~Ⅱ期(2002年AJCC分期)壶腹癌1组有18例。因本研究需要将各种胆道疾患的概念定义如下:胆道结石:影像学(B超、CT或MRI)发现肝内外胆管结石存在,伴或不伴胆管扩张。胆道感染:符合以下条件:①轻度腹痛症状,右上腹及剑突下轻度压痛或肝区叩痛的临床体征;②术中见胆汁浑浊,呈墨绿色,有絮状物。胆道梗阻:未经手术的初诊患者符合以下三个条件:①轻度腹痛症状 ......
