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http://www.100md.com 2011年9月15日 施骅 徐再玲


     [摘要] 目的 探讨临床常用抑酸药治疗RE的临床疗效及其药物经济学分析。 方法 按诊断标准选取我院300例反流性食管炎患者,随机分为奥美拉唑组、雷贝拉唑组、埃索美拉唑组、泮托拉唑组、兰索拉唑组各60例,比较5组所用抑酸剂的临床疗效及其药物经济学分析。结果 5组8周后症状降低总有效率分别为90.5%、99.8%、98.3%、87.5%、89.8%;内镜下检查表现总有效率分别为91.7%、100.0%、98.3%、86.7%、90.0%;治疗成本分别为605.6、1498.5、1932.6、895.6、907.5元;成本-效果比分别为6.6、15.0、19.4、10.3及10.1;雷贝拉唑疗效最好而奥美拉唑成本最低。结论 在治疗RE时可根据患者个体以及经济状况的特殊性选择其最适合的药物,若患者经济条件允许可选择新一代抑酸药如雷贝拉唑,而传统抑酸药如奥美拉唑因更经济而适用于广大基层医院患者治疗。

    [关键词] 反流性食管炎;抑酸剂;药物经济学

    [中图分类号] R571 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-9701(2011)26-01-02

    The Curative Effect and the Pharmacoeconomics of the PPI Treatment RE

    SHI Hua XU Zailing

    Gastroenterology Department,Lishui City Center Hospital,Lishui 323000,China

    [Abstract] Objective To explore the curative effect of the PPI clinical commonly used in the treatment of RE and its pharmacoeconomics analysis. Methods According to the selection criteria for the diagnosis of 300 cases of the RE patients were randomly divided into Omeprazole group, Rabeprazole group,Esomeprazole Pantoprazoleroup,Lansoprazole group,each of 60 cases. To compare these 5 groups of the curative effect of the PPI clinical commonly used in the treatment of RE and its pharmacoeconomics analysis. Results Rabeprazole group symptoms reduced the total effective rate was the largest of each 90.5%、99.8%、98.3%、87.5%、89.8% and 91.7%、100.0%、98.3%、86.7%、90.0% respectively,while Omeprazole group's costs-ratio was the minimum as 605.6、1498.5、1932.6、895.6、907.5 Yuan and 6.6、15.0、19.4、10.3、10.1 respectively. Conclusion In the treatment of RE,we should according to individual patients and the particularity of the economic situation choose the most suitable for drugs,if economic conditions allow patients to choose a new generation of PPI such as Rabeprazole,but the traditional PPI such as Omeprazolefor indicates much more economic welcomed.

    [Key words] Reflux esophagitis;PPI;Pharmacoeconomics

    反流性食管炎(RE)临床较常见,给患者带来的烧心、反酸和胸骨后灼痛等典型或非典型症状明显,严重影响了患者的生活质量。目前临床针对胃食管反流病主要是应用药物治疗,而抑制胃酸分泌则是其最主要的治疗措施[1]。使用何种抑酸剂最经济,临床疗效最好尚有待于进一步讨论。本文回顾性分析我院2010~2011年诊治的300例反流性食管炎患者的临床资料,比较奥美拉唑、雷贝拉唑、埃索美拉唑、泮托拉唑、兰索拉唑5种临床常用抑酸剂的临床疗效和其药物经济学成本-效果分析 ......
