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http://www.100md.com 2011年11月25日 潘海波


     [摘要] 目的 分析观察小儿手术中亚麻醉剂量氯胺酮-芬太尼辅助的区域麻醉的临床效果。方法 2008年1月~2010年6月我院实施下肢和腹部手术的86例患儿中随机抽取20例患儿作为对照组采用单一氯胺酮麻醉,另66例作为观察组采用亚麻醉剂量氯胺酮-芬太尼辅助区域麻醉。结果 观察组患儿区域麻醉中的芬太尼用量、氯胺酮用量、氯胺酮追加次数、唤醒时间均远远低于对照组(P<0.05);观察组患儿的心率、脉搏氧饱和度、呼吸频率均比对照组患儿显著降低(P<0.05),平均动脉压也较对照组低;观察组未出现不良反应且肌松状况良好,对照组偶有不良反应,无肌松状况。结论 亚麻醉剂量氯胺酮芬太尼辅助的区域麻醉在小儿手术中具有明显优势。

    [关键词] 亚麻醉剂量氯胺酮;芬太尼;小儿区域麻醉

    [中图分类号] R726.1 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2011)33-61-02

    Clinical Observation of Anesthesia Dose Ketamine-fentanyl Auxiliary Pediatric Regional Anesthesia

    PAN Haibo

    Shenzhen Municipal Longgang District Second People's Hospital,Shenzhen 518112,China

    [Abstract] Objective To analyze the observed dose pediatric surgery,ketamine anesthesia fentanyl in Central Asia supporting the clinical effects of regional anesthesia. Methods From January 2008 to June 2010 in our hospital,86 cases with the lower limbs and abdominal surgery were randomly selected,20 patients as a control group were using a single ketamine anesthesia, and the other 66 cases as the observation group were treated with sub-anesthetic dose of ketamine - fentanyl assisted regional anesthesia. Results The regional anesthesia in children with fentanyl dosage,dosage of ketamine,ketamine additional times,wake-up time were far lower than the control group(P<0.05);Observation group of children with heart rate,pulse oxygen saturation, respiratory frequency than the control group patients were significantly lower(P<0.05);Mean arterial pressure was lower than the control group;observation group was no adverse reactions and muscle relaxants in good condition,occasional adverse reactions in control group and no muscle relaxant conditions. Conclusion The auxiliary sub-anesthetic dose of ketamine,fentanyl regional anesthesia in pediatric surgery has obvious advantages.

    [Key words] The anesthesia dose ketamine;Fentanyl;Pediatric regional anesthesia


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料

    2008年1月~2010年6月我院共对86例患儿实施了下肢和腹部手术,其中男性46例,女性40例 ......
