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http://www.100md.com 2011年12月5日 金善姬 太升华 李点珠 杨柠 李博


     [摘要] 目的 探讨米索前列醇置阴无痛人流术的扩宫情况、手术时间及术后1个月宫颈黏膜损伤情况。方法 将500例自愿接受无痛人流者随机分为两组:用药组250例术前2h米索0.2mg置阴;对照组250例只在快速静脉麻醉下行无痛人流。结果 两组之间宫颈扩张情况有高度显著性差异(P<0.01),手术时间比较也有高度的显著性差异(P<0.01),术后1个月宫颈黏膜观察比较,宫颈慢性炎症和宫颈糜烂有显著差异(P<0.05),除此之外腺体囊肿和宫颈肥大也有加重和增多的趋势。结论 术前米索置阴结合无痛人流能使患者解除心理障碍、缩短手术时间、减少术中出血和预防人流综合征、减少和避免宫颈黏膜的刺激和损伤,是对女性人流不良影响最小的最佳手术方案。

    [关键词] 人工流产;米索前列醇;宫颈糜烂;宫颈慢性炎症

    [中图分类号] R711 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2011)34-134-02

    Misoprostol for Painless Artificial Abortion:A Comparative Observation

    JIN Shanji1 TAI Shenghua1 LI Dianzhu2 YANG Ning2 LI Bo2

    1.Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,Yanbian Mother and Child Health Hospital,Yanji 133000,China;2.Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yanji Xiantong Hospital,Yanji 133000, China

    [Abstract] Objective To discuss on the combination of misoprostol in painless induced abortion vaginal dilation, operation time and postoperative one month cervical mucosa injury observation comparison. Methods In 500 cases of voluntary acceptance of painless were randomly divided into two groups, treatment group : 250 patients preoperatively and at 2 hour meters cable 0.2mg the yin. Control group: 250 cases only in intravenous anesthesia in painless induced abortion. Results Between the two groups of cervical dilatation there was significant difference (P<0.01),so does operation time, (P<0.01), one month after cervical mucosa were observed and compared, chronic cervicitis and cervical erosion had significant difference (P<0.05), besides gland cyst and cervical hypertrophy there was also increased and a growing trend. Conclusion Preoperative meters cable home Yin combined analgesia stream of people, can make the patients relieve psychological pain, shorten operation time, reduce intraoperative bleeding and the prevention of abortion syndrome, reduce and avoid the cervical mucous membrane irritation and injury, is a female passenger adverse effects the smallest optimal operation scheme.

    [Key words] Artificial abortion;Misoprostol;Cervical erosion;Chronic inflammation of cervical


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料


    1.2 方法

    1.2.1 受试者全部采用无痛人流方法 随机分为两组:用药组250例,术前2h米索(0.2mg)放置阴道后穹窿部;对照组250例,两组均按常规消毒外阴和阴道,铺消毒巾,麻醉成功后,根据宫颈口情况按顺序用宫颈扩张器,行手术操作。术后预防性用抗生素,嘱病人1个月内禁止性生活。

    1.2.2 观察指标[1] 宫颈扩张程度:(1)显效:宫颈口扩张好,术中无需使用宫颈扩张器;(2)有效:宫颈口扩张稍差,需试用≥6号扩张器;(3)无效:宫颈口无扩张或稍微扩张,需使用宫颈口扩张器[2]。

    观察宫颈黏膜情况 术前先记录宫颈黏膜情况,嘱病人术后1个月第1次月经干净后1周之内来院复查对比观察。

    1.2.3 统计学处理 各组间资料采用SPSS17.0软件进行分析,计数资料采用χ2检验,计量资料采用t检验。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

    2 结果

    2.1 宫颈口扩张情况(按扩张器编号为标准)




    2.3 宫颈黏膜观察情况

    见表3。受试者500例中,术后1个月第1次月经干净后1周之内来院复查者402例,分别为用药组204例,对照组198例,两组间术前宫颈慢性炎症情况差异无统计学意义 ......
